Chanchal Dass


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Modeling of Magic Squares in MS Excel

Books by Chanchal Dass, FIE

"Magic Squares: An Odyssey Through Mathematical Wonder" is more than just a mathematical text—it's a journey through time, culture, and the beauty of numbers. Whether you're a seasoned mathematician or a newcomer to the world of magic squares, this book promises to captivate and inspire.

Prepare to be amazed, challenged, and thoroughly enchanted by the magical world of squares. Your journey into the heart of mathematical magic starts here.


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Modeling of Magic Squares in MS Excel

Books by Chanchal Dass, FIE

"Magic Squares: An Odyssey Through Mathematical Wonder" is more than just a mathematical text—it's a journey through time, culture, and the beauty of numbers. Whether you're a seasoned mathematician or a newcomer to the world of magic squares, this book promises to captivate and inspire.

Prepare to be amazed, challenged, and thoroughly enchanted by the magical world of squares. Your journey into the heart of mathematical magic starts here.


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The evolution of number system

Books by Chanchal Dass

The number systems play a vital role in learning and understanding advanced mathematical concepts. During school days all the number system concepts are taught from class I to class X in isolation. The students never get a chance to integrate the number system concepts.

In this book, an attempt has been made to put all the number system concepts in one place so that the students can learn the concepts easily.



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জীব বৈচিত্র্য সুরক্ষা বার্তা

Books by দীপক কুমার দাঁ, গোবর ডাঙা জীব বৈচিত্র্য ব্যাবস্থাপনা সমিতি

জীব বৈচিত্র সুরক্ষা  বার্তা  একটি ত্রৈমাসিক পত্রিকা।

এই সংখ্যাটি দ্বিতীয় বর্ষের তৃতীয় ও চতুর্থ সংখ্যা।

এই পত্রিকাটির প্রকাশক,  মুদ্রক,  এবং স্বত্বাধিকারী  হল

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My Quest for Eigenvectors

Books by Chanchal Dass

My quest for eigenvectors is a linear algebra book written from a geometric perspective. Four of the main concepts of linear algebra have been explained geometrically. These concepts are - 1) Use of matrices for elimination, 2) Origin of determinants, 3) Use of vector space in linear algebra, and 4) Geometrical concepts of eigenvectors. 

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My quest for eivenvectors

Books by Chanchal Dass

My Quest for Eigenvector book is a linear algebra book that is written from a new perspective. With the advent of computing technology, linear algebra is getting huge acceptance and popularity. Linear algebra is now a central topic new scientific and technological world. But many of the concepts of linear algebra is very difficult to understand. This book is written from a geometric perspective to make the linear algebraic concepts easy and enjoyable. This boo

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An Introduction To MATLAB App Designer

Books by Chanchal Dass

MATLAB App Designer

Learning advanced mathematical concepts remained a challenge for centuries. Learning these mathematical concepts through modeling and animation becomes easy and enjoyable. Matlab Add Designer can be very helpful for application development. This book is an introduction to MATLAB App Designer and has been written to develop applications for modeling and animation of advanced mathematical concepts from a learning perspective.

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2D Modelling and Animation

Books by Chanchal Dass

Mathematics is an abstract subject and full of symbols, formulas, equations, notations. For this reason, the majority of the learners fail to understand mathematical and scientific concepts properly. The mathematical modeling and animation tools that have been discussed in this book, can help learners to model and animate the mathematical concepts related to their respective fields. It will remove the abstractness of mathematical concepts and make mathematics

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প্রিসিশন বিডিং সিস্টেম

Books by চঞ্চল দাস

কন্ট্রাক্ট ব্রিজ খেলায় বিডিং একটা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা পালন করে। সঠিক কন্ট্রাক্টে পৌঁছাতে গেলে খুব ভালো এবং কার্যকরী বিডিং সিস্টেম দরকার। আমার মনে হয় প্রিসিশন বিডিং সিস্টে

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