Sushant Mishra

Sushant Mishra have a great keen in Writing, especially in Short-Story Writing.
Sushant Mishra have a great keen in Writing, especially in Short-Story Writing.


The Country of Blessings: INDIA Part 3

Books by Sushant Mishra

This book is the Last and the Third part of the Edition " The Country of Blessings:INDIA". It is based on India's Union Territories and their Fun Facts.

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The Country Of Blessings: INDIA Part 2

Books by Sushant Mishra

This book is all about the states of India ; their different Diversities; their culture; and their geographical span etc. It also tells us about the minor facts of each state of India.

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The Country of Blessings: INDIA

Books by Sushant Mishra

This book is basically about the India and decribes its dimensions and cultures. It also describes India from Medieval period to Modern Period.

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Era of Poetry

Books by Sushant Mishra

This book is basically about the facts and basic things of life which are described by the poems or we can say we are taking support of poetries to understand easily observable things of life. 

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Fantasy world of Poetry

Books by Sushant Mishra

This book basically describes the facts and things related to our life in the form of poems or we can say the poems will make it easier to understand things and get knowledge about it.

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