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"It was a wonderful experience interacting with you and appreciate the way you have planned and executed the whole publication process within the agreed timelines.”
Subrat SaurabhAuthor of Kuch Woh Pal
At some point in time, we have been broken from inside and that made us strong and beautiful rather than weak... Finding that beauty in everything is a harder part but if u find it then it just feels wonderful and the anthology is all about finding beauty even in broken
At some point in time, we have been broken from inside and that made us strong and beautiful rather than weak... Finding that beauty in everything is a harder part but if u find it then it just feels wonderful and the anthology is all about finding beauty even in broken
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt
with the heart.
This book is a collection of all those beautiful things in form of poetry, shayari and gazals which is
based on real emotions and experiences in ones life. In this compilation you will come across various
stories where u can easily connect with the content or seems to be part of your life too.
Read through the pages and expe
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt
with the heart.
This book is a collection of all those beautiful things in form of poetry, shayari and gazals which is
based on real emotions and experiences in ones life. In this compilation you will come across various
stories where u can easily connect with the content or seems to be part of your life too.
Read through the pages and experience it by yourself.
"Yesterday and Today" is a beautiful compilation of poems written by Romila. This book is the outcome of NaPoWriMo 2022 - the month long poetry challenge, the poetess had taken up on Instagram as her first attempt on 30 days of everyday poetry writing. The challenge was completed successfully and Romila won the challenge and emerged as “Poet of the month”. The poems compiled in this book were written for the challenge hosted by Ms. Ankita Bha
"Yesterday and Today" is a beautiful compilation of poems written by Romila. This book is the outcome of NaPoWriMo 2022 - the month long poetry challenge, the poetess had taken up on Instagram as her first attempt on 30 days of everyday poetry writing. The challenge was completed successfully and Romila won the challenge and emerged as “Poet of the month”. The poems compiled in this book were written for the challenge hosted by Ms. Ankita Bhatia of Shahanshah Publications.
This book is a collection of stories and poems on the theme "My Blessing In Disguise". It consists of various write-ups regarding the life experiences of various authors which lead to the conclusion that every rough path we go through in life becomes a blessing in disguise.
In this compilation you will get to read various diseases, hardships, heart breaks and difficulties that gave beautiful experiences to achieve something great in life.
This book is a collection of stories and poems on the theme "My Blessing In Disguise". It consists of various write-ups regarding the life experiences of various authors which lead to the conclusion that every rough path we go through in life becomes a blessing in disguise.
In this compilation you will get to read various diseases, hardships, heart breaks and difficulties that gave beautiful experiences to achieve something great in life.
As you flip through the pages you'll read different titled stories and poetries Like 'LIZA - An Angel In Disguise', 'You Are The Rising Star Of Mine', 'Little One', 'Dear Terrains', ‘My Search & Hard Labour’,’ Loyal Blessings Girl In Denim’ and many more experiences
This book is about the experiences, lessons which year 2020 has taught us especially during the
pandemic. So this book is a compilation of all these learning, teachings and experiences which are
taught by year 2020 . According to me year 2020 has been the year full of learning and one most
important lesson which year 2020 has taught us "TOUGH TIME DOESN'T LAST FOREVER"
This book is about the experiences, lessons which year 2020 has taught us especially during the
pandemic. So this book is a compilation of all these learning, teachings and experiences which are
taught by year 2020 . According to me year 2020 has been the year full of learning and one most
important lesson which year 2020 has taught us "TOUGH TIME DOESN'T LAST FOREVER"
This Anthology is a fiction. The compiler has tried best to edit and curate the content of the co-authors and is made plagiarism free. All the Write ups in this book are unique. In case of any plagiarism detected, neither the compiler, nor the publishers are responsible. Co -authors will be solely responsible for their own content.
Co-authors: 1)Stuti Singh Saxena 2)Eby Alex 3)Manasi Bhosale 4)Vivek Kumar 5)Ma
This Anthology is a fiction. The compiler has tried best to edit and curate the content of the co-authors and is made plagiarism free. All the Write ups in this book are unique. In case of any plagiarism detected, neither the compiler, nor the publishers are responsible. Co -authors will be solely responsible for their own content.
Co-authors: 1)Stuti Singh Saxena 2)Eby Alex 3)Manasi Bhosale 4)Vivek Kumar 5)Mahesh Kumar Hansdah 6)Rashmi Kaushik 7)Mansi Saxena 8)Abhirami Pandi
The book is to carve the feelings to create or destroy relationships,
emotions or bonding.
Words are the sharpest weapon in the world, which can solve any
It contains the letters and emotions of people
The book is to carve the feelings to create or destroy relationships,
emotions or bonding.
Words are the sharpest weapon in the world, which can solve any
It contains the letters and emotions of people
Endless Thoughts flew through our mind, the way a river flows
naturally. Through this book our lovely Co-authors have beautifully
penned down their thoughts in the form of poetries, essays, stories,
quotes and articles .Hope the words of the authors touch your soul as
you enter the world where our authors expressed everything out of
their hearts
Endless Thoughts flew through our mind, the way a river flows
naturally. Through this book our lovely Co-authors have beautifully
penned down their thoughts in the form of poetries, essays, stories,
quotes and articles .Hope the words of the authors touch your soul as
you enter the world where our authors expressed everything out of
their hearts
All the writings and art works are written and drawn by the coauthors mentioned in the anthology.no plagiarism involved in this anthology and the respective coauthors are held responsible individually for any misbehavior found
All the writings and art works are written and drawn by the coauthors mentioned in the anthology.no plagiarism involved in this anthology and the respective coauthors are held responsible individually for any misbehavior found
"किसान और नारी : देश का गौरव" यह किताब हर उस किसान और नारी के सम्मान में है जो हमारे देश का गौरव,मान-सम्मान होते हैं जिनके बिना जीवन की कल्पना तक करना नाममुकिन है। हमारे किसान दिन- रा
"किसान और नारी : देश का गौरव" यह किताब हर उस किसान और नारी के सम्मान में है जो हमारे देश का गौरव,मान-सम्मान होते हैं जिनके बिना जीवन की कल्पना तक करना नाममुकिन है। हमारे किसान दिन- रात मेहनत करके सबके लिए अन्न उत्पन्न करते हैं तो दसूरी ओर नारी कभी बहन , कभी बेटी, कभी पत्नी तो कभी माँ बनकर अलग-अलग भूमिका निभाती हैं। इस किताब में किसान नारी की ऐसी ही महान गाथाओ को विभिन्न -विभिन्नत तरीके से अपने सुंदर विचारों के माध्यम से लेखको ने उनको शब्दों में पिरोया है। हम आशा करते हैं कि इस किताब को पढ़ने के बाद इस समाज और देश के लोगों के मन में हर किसान और नारी के प्रति और सम्मान की भावना उत्पन्न होगी।
Any soul on this earth when leaves for heaven does not carry money, luxury, propeties, etc. with them but all they take with them is their memories. If something belongs rightfully to somenone forever, then I firmly believe it is only their memories that they own.
'A Book of Memories ' is an anthology that aims to capture every such moment that we can never forget. 32 co authors have beautifully penned down th
Any soul on this earth when leaves for heaven does not carry money, luxury, propeties, etc. with them but all they take with them is their memories. If something belongs rightfully to somenone forever, then I firmly believe it is only their memories that they own.
'A Book of Memories ' is an anthology that aims to capture every such moment that we can never forget. 32 co authors have beautifully penned down their feelings and emotions about their unforgettable memories.
This anthology is published under Shahanshah publications and the compiler of this anthology is Meghana Khaspa
ஹைக்கூ கவிதைகளின் அடிப்படை கூட என்ன? என கூட அறியாமல் சிந்தனையின் ஓட்டத்தில் சிதறிய ஆசை புத்தகமாக மாற வேண்டும் என எழுதப்பட்ட சில வார்த்தைகளின் தொகுப்பு இந்த புத்தகம்.
ஹைக்கூ கவிதைகளின் அடிப்படை கூட என்ன? என கூட அறியாமல் சிந்தனையின் ஓட்டத்தில் சிதறிய ஆசை புத்தகமாக மாற வேண்டும் என எழுதப்பட்ட சில வார்த்தைகளின் தொகுப்பு இந்த புத்தகம்.
காதல் தோல்வி
ஒரு தலை காதல்
சராசரி வாழ்க்கை
சமூக அவலம்
இணைய உலகம்
கல்லூரி வாழ்க்கை
கொஞ்சம் கருத்து
அதோடு ரசனை
என பல உணர்வுகளின் உணர்வு பூர்வமான வார்த்தைகள் இந்த தொகுப்பு.
"பார்வைக்கு மட்டும் எழுத்துகள்..."
வினோதன் எனும் என் அடையாளத்தை அங்கீகரிக்க நான் எடுத்த பெரிய முயற்சி. என் இலக்கின் முதல் வெற்றி.
The book “Dreams: To Fulfill” is all about different dreams of different people. Writers in this book have expressed their thoughts and feelings about their dreams. Some have written about their own dreams and some have explained the meaning of dreams. This book gave an opportunity to the writers to pour their heart out on their dreams.
The book “Dreams: To Fulfill” is all about different dreams of different people. Writers in this book have expressed their thoughts and feelings about their dreams. Some have written about their own dreams and some have explained the meaning of dreams. This book gave an opportunity to the writers to pour their heart out on their dreams.
This book is compiled by Tushita Agrawal and is collection of write-ups by some writers about what is true beauty. This book has views and ideas about what is true beauty to some people here.
This book is compiled by Tushita Agrawal and is collection of write-ups by some writers about what is true beauty. This book has views and ideas about what is true beauty to some people here.
Love Nuggets
Falling in love is easy. But bumping into someone that can spark your soul is rare. Love is when two people touch each other's souls. Love is reaching dreams together. It does not envy. The person you miss the most when everyone is around is love. Love is the best thing that happened to you. It's the best feeling in this world. Love is pain. Love is emotion. And the combination of all these things is called "Love Nuggets".
Love Nuggets
Falling in love is easy. But bumping into someone that can spark your soul is rare. Love is when two people touch each other's souls. Love is reaching dreams together. It does not envy. The person you miss the most when everyone is around is love. Love is the best thing that happened to you. It's the best feeling in this world. Love is pain. Love is emotion. And the combination of all these things is called "Love Nuggets".
This extraordinary combination of poems, stories, will melt your heart and make you believe in the power of true love.
Instagram:- Mr.bookie
The Book 'Petty and Pretty' is a bitsy library that features the prettiness in petty things. It holds so many enlightening quotes, meaningful pencil arts, mandela arts & calligraphy. This is a must read Book. I feel satisfied to compile this Book & I assure readers that this is worth buying. My special gratitude to the 70 writers & 20 artists who contributed their amazing work to the Book.
“One who is faithful in a very little is also faith
The Book 'Petty and Pretty' is a bitsy library that features the prettiness in petty things. It holds so many enlightening quotes, meaningful pencil arts, mandela arts & calligraphy. This is a must read Book. I feel satisfied to compile this Book & I assure readers that this is worth buying. My special gratitude to the 70 writers & 20 artists who contributed their amazing work to the Book.
“One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is unreliable in a very little is also unreliable in much.” - Luke 16:10
"Embrace Petty and Pretty Things!"
By compiler : Sinega
Karab - E - Ehsaas means Pain Of Feelings. Everyone is a writer in this world, the only thing require is how you express your feelings, emotions in form of words. Sharing your emotions and turning your emotions into words is the best thing a writer does and what makes them more special. Then why not read it out from the writer's pens itself. About their feelings, emotions, unheard voices which they have inked down in this book Karab E Ehsaas. And a very
Karab - E - Ehsaas means Pain Of Feelings. Everyone is a writer in this world, the only thing require is how you express your feelings, emotions in form of words. Sharing your emotions and turning your emotions into words is the best thing a writer does and what makes them more special. Then why not read it out from the writer's pens itself. About their feelings, emotions, unheard voices which they have inked down in this book Karab E Ehsaas. And a very experience talented Writer who has already achieved success has inked out her voice both caged uncaged for you me and us to know about the perks and downsides of being a writer. Who knows what mystery unfolds inside? Let's sneak into this book and know more about their pain, emotions, feelings which they have beautifully penned down in this book for us to read.
Compiler : Sumit Rabari
Co-Compiler : Aashim Sharma
This anthology is a fiction. The compiler has tried best to edit and
curate the content of the Co-authors and is make plagiarism free.
All the write ups in this book are unique. In this case any
plagiarism detected, neither the compiler, nor the publisher are
responsible. Co-Author will be solely responsible for their own
This anthology is a fiction. The compiler has tried best to edit and
curate the content of the Co-authors and is make plagiarism free.
All the write ups in this book are unique. In this case any
plagiarism detected, neither the compiler, nor the publisher are
responsible. Co-Author will be solely responsible for their own
Fallen Leaves
Not only the Fallen leaves, but the writer can also ink the mystery of nature. In every change in every falling leaf, there is some pain, story, emotions, and some beauty in it. And that way the writers had told the story of nature using their mesmerizing words. Hope the words from fallen leaves might capture the moment of nature from every nook of the earth and make your reading worthwhile.
Instagram:- Mr.bookie
Fallen Leaves
Not only the Fallen leaves, but the writer can also ink the mystery of nature. In every change in every falling leaf, there is some pain, story, emotions, and some beauty in it. And that way the writers had told the story of nature using their mesmerizing words. Hope the words from fallen leaves might capture the moment of nature from every nook of the earth and make your reading worthwhile.
Instagram:- Mr.bookie
This book is compiled by Tushita Agrawal a 16 years old girl who suffers from rare disease and had a tough journey towards acceptance in life. In this book every writer has expressed their experiences or about their thoughts on acceptance. Afterall, we want to give the message that acceptance is hardest journey but the destination is beautiful and worth reaching at.
With love,
This book is compiled by Tushita Agrawal a 16 years old girl who suffers from rare disease and had a tough journey towards acceptance in life. In this book every writer has expressed their experiences or about their thoughts on acceptance. Afterall, we want to give the message that acceptance is hardest journey but the destination is beautiful and worth reaching at.
With love,
Dil ki boli. Which is an open mic platform for all writers. We try to provide a good exposure to all type of writers as much as we can. We also organise open mic events, competitions etc. Just a small try to provide a platform to all writers online as well so writer's from different parts of nation can connect to the platform. We have launched this book of the same name so that writers can get connected more to readers through this book. Lot of writers have wr
Dil ki boli. Which is an open mic platform for all writers. We try to provide a good exposure to all type of writers as much as we can. We also organise open mic events, competitions etc. Just a small try to provide a platform to all writers online as well so writer's from different parts of nation can connect to the platform. We have launched this book of the same name so that writers can get connected more to readers through this book. Lot of writers have written their heart out in this amazing Book. Want to know what they feel, how they feel ? Let's read their emotions and feelings which they have inked down through words. Let's sneak in to this book to know more about the writers. If u are a writer too and want to join this platform through social media then feel free to DM us through what's app or email id given. youtube : Dil ki Boli.
Instagram : @Dilkiboli
Email I'd : vidhinandu654@gmail.com
What's app number : 9987294299
About the book:
“Symphonies of Love” is a lovely collection of poetry picked from our finest set of writers. The theme chosen for our anthology is so common yet fills the void with so much emotions. It manages to capture the beauty of every relationship binded by love. Human life can't exist without love. There lies pure talent in the ability to capture feelings of love and penning it down using mere words, words that can change the mi
About the book:
“Symphonies of Love” is a lovely collection of poetry picked from our finest set of writers. The theme chosen for our anthology is so common yet fills the void with so much emotions. It manages to capture the beauty of every relationship binded by love. Human life can't exist without love. There lies pure talent in the ability to capture feelings of love and penning it down using mere words, words that can change the minds made of stone.
She A Prized Solitaire, is a collection of heartwhelming write-ups in form of Poems, Musings, quotes , by ? amazing Writers, Poets, Poetess.
A cumulative effort by each and every one, to cherish “She” through indepth feelings majestically framed in words creating beautiful sentences poured with sentiments.
She, who has Supported Us
She, who, is a source of Inspiration,to Us
She, who always has Motiv
She A Prized Solitaire, is a collection of heartwhelming write-ups in form of Poems, Musings, quotes , by ? amazing Writers, Poets, Poetess.
A cumulative effort by each and every one, to cherish “She” through indepth feelings majestically framed in words creating beautiful sentences poured with sentiments.
She, who has Supported Us
She, who, is a source of Inspiration,to Us
She, who always has Motivated Us
She, who stood as Sotic Cliff in Odds for Us
She, who, has taken initative and broken the Conservative Carapace, for Us
We as a team, have tried paying small notion of Respect, Honour to every single female who is Daughter,Wife, Daughter in law,Dadi or Naani of someone or the other.
They are the Creator of Essence,
They are the Reason of Natures Balance
They are solely responsible for Cultural Inheritance.
Happy Women’s Day,2021
கவிதைகள், உணர்வுகளை உள்ளடக்கிய ஓர் பெட்டகம். ஆம் என் உணர்வுகளை மட்டுமே வரிகளாய் கொண்டது இப்புத்தகம். இதில் மனிதம் விரும்பும் என் சிந்தனைகளும், கோபங்களும் அடங்கியிருக்
கவிதைகள், உணர்வுகளை உள்ளடக்கிய ஓர் பெட்டகம். ஆம் என் உணர்வுகளை மட்டுமே வரிகளாய் கொண்டது இப்புத்தகம். இதில் மனிதம் விரும்பும் என் சிந்தனைகளும், கோபங்களும் அடங்கியிருக்கும். அத்துடன் இயற்கையின் அழகையும், அதிசயங்களையும் வார்த்தைகளில் அடக்க முயன்றிருக்கிறேன். இறுதியாய் மழலை மனம் மாறாத ஓர் பெண்ணின் அழகிய குறும்புத்தனத்தையும் கவிதையாய் சமைத்திருக்கிறேன். நான் கண்ட கற்பனை உலகின் வர்ணஜாலங்களை நீங்களும் காண்பீர்கள் என்று நம்புகிறேன் நன்றி!
कलम की गूँज पुस्तक में प्रेम और प्रकृति से लेकर देशभक्ति और हिज्र तक के भावों की गूँज कलम के माध्यम से उकेर कर कविताओं में पिरोया गया है।
रचनाकारों के मन के विभिन्न भावों का संग
कलम की गूँज पुस्तक में प्रेम और प्रकृति से लेकर देशभक्ति और हिज्र तक के भावों की गूँज कलम के माध्यम से उकेर कर कविताओं में पिरोया गया है।
रचनाकारों के मन के विभिन्न भावों का संगम करके 'कलम की गूँज' बनाकर आप पाठकों तक पहुँचाने का काम इस पुस्तक में किया गया है।
इसमें सामाजिक अंधकार से निकलकर नारी सम्मान, किसानों की लहलहाती फसलों से लेकर शहरीकरण तक की यात्रा को कविताओं के माध्यम से उजागर किया है। सकारात्मक प्रेरणा देती हुई, सामाजिक उत्थान को दर्शाती हुई रचनाओं का संग्रह इसमें हैं।
In the book named as Kalam Ki Gunj , feelings from love and nature to patriotism all are weaved in the form of poem through the pen of various authors.Through this book we have tried to accumulate diverse feelings and thoughts of different creators into one "Kalam Ki Gunj" and reach you out .
In this,out of social darkness,women honor and journey from crops of farmers to urbanisation has been highlighted through poems.
It has a collection of compositions depicting social upliftment and providing positive inspiration to all.
आप जिस पुस्तक को देख रहे हैं, वह एक अनोखी पुस्तक है।
हमारी एंथोलॉजी का शीर्षक "लाडो रानी - डॉटर ए ट्रेजर" है ।
इस संकलन में कवि और कवियत्री अपने शब्दों के द्वारा अपनी कविता में
आप जिस पुस्तक को देख रहे हैं, वह एक अनोखी पुस्तक है।
हमारी एंथोलॉजी का शीर्षक "लाडो रानी - डॉटर ए ट्रेजर" है ।
इस संकलन में कवि और कवियत्री अपने शब्दों के द्वारा अपनी कविता में जान डालते हैं।
आप जैसे अच्छे व्यक्ति तक पहुंचने के लिए उनके विचारों का संग्रह
जो अपना बहुमूल्य समय इस पुस्तक को पढ़ने में व्यतीत करते हैं।
"वास्तव में इस पुस्तक में क्या है" एक प्रश्न है जो एक बात है
हमारे दिमाग में उठाया।
मैं ज्यादा कुछ नही कह सकती।
चलो देखते हैं।
हम लोगों ने सह-लेखको के रूप में एक पहल के साथ जोड़ा हैं
आप कई कवियों के शब्दों को महसूस करेंगे । इसे ANKITA BHATIA द्वारा संकलित किया गया है, जो एक युवा कवियत्री और लेखिका होने के साथ-साथ एक प्रकाशक भी हैं।
आशा है आप सभी को
इस पुस्तक को पढ़ते समय सन्तुष्टि का अनुभव होगा।
हमें विश्वास हैं, कि हम आपकी ह्रदय में अपनी जगह बना सकेगें।
आपकी अंकिता
First Love = ParentsCame into the world, first day of my lifeParents in front of my eyes To hold my finger And welcome me in a world which is bigger Without knowing anything the first word I uttered "Ma"The man who hold me in his arms for the first time Was the man whom I call "Dad -My Superher Read More...
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