Ashwani Kumar Sagar


कसर - कविता संग्रह रास

Books by रजत कुमार सागर

तिनका तिनका अल्फ़ाज़ों को समेटकर एक महफ़िल सजाई है ,
मैंने मुक्तक, कविता ,ग़ज़लों से एक हसीं दुनिया बनाई है | 

कसर - कविता संग्रह रास , मेरे द्वारा लिखित दूसरी और पहली हिंदी पुस्त

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A Sky Full Of Us

Books by Rajat Kumar Sagar

Just like the clouds in the Sky, our feelings are in our mind. And when they touch, something magical happens..People call it Rain, We call it Love.
Hey lovely person, I know you are a human and that's why i know that you've been through so much in your life.
I am not qualified enough to make your life simple and pleasing, but with my words, i will try to help you find your way, through the dark, to the beautiful light called Life.
These poems are

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