ayushman upadhyay



it's all about happiness

Books by Ayushman Upadhyay

Its all about happiness is heart touching story of a man named Tyler Steve, who is a nice and day to day person and for some reasons he got into drugs and alcoholism and which led his life to a point where he got paralyzed somehow and he himself took all happiness from his and, the story shows his comeback to life and regain happiness for himself and his family.

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Bane Of Dreams

Books by Ayushman Upadhyay

This book is about a boy named Stephen Ros, who is suffering from Maladaptive daydreaming, you will see how daydreaming affects and changes his life and take him to which extend. 

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The Sworn Ninja

Books by Ayushman Upadhyay

This book is about a boy who turns into a superhero called ninja and finds about his powers and take responsibilities towards his duties to save the World. and fights different villans for protecting his stone powers.


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Karate School

Books by Ayushman Upadhyay

this book is about a story related to karate in this book you will see a story of three boys who are linked with karate somehow and now fighting for the prides of their teachers. this book will touch you emotionaly  and you will found connected tis book. this book will also show you the bonds between teacher and student and you will also find how teaching totaly changes a persons mind.

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