Dr. Kavita Kailash

Doctor and Writer
Doctor and Writer



Books by डॉ कविता कैलाश

कविताओं और कहानियों ने बड़ी ही खूबसूरती से संभाला हैं, प्रेम को, भावनाओ को!

कविता और कहानियों के दायरे में, हम अपने असली सार को पाते हैं।

किसी के मानस की गहराइयों में उभरने व

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Books by Dr. Kavita Kailash

Since the time of our struggle for independence, Babasaheb had been the subject of discussion amongst our population for many reasons. Sometimes, it was due to his ideological differences with Gandhi Ji and sometimes due to his talks about the ‘reservation’. Where Babasaheb was concerned, everyone had their very own point of view of him. Some believed him to be only a "Dalit leader" while some limited his personality to that of the "Father of Const

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