Aurobindo Patra

Let's hear what heart says ...
Let's hear what heart says ...

Banker in profession and Writer by chance


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Books by Aurobindo Patra

'ENGINEER FACTORY' is a journey of adolescents aspiring to become an engineer at the oldest engineering college in Odisha. Our alma mater, UCE BURLA in bricks and mortars, has been in existence since 1956 with numerous untold stories.

All the stories portray real-life events and experiences, depicting the human emotions that happened to me, either as a character or a spectator. I have altered a few orders, names and sequences and curtai

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HANG THE TEACHER & Other Stories

Books by Aurobindo Patra

'HANG THE TEACHER & Other Stories' starts with a story when I was in Standard 5th. As I grew up and went to High School, then College and finally joined India's largest public sector bank, SBI, the other stories unfold. 

All the stories portray real-life events and experiences, depicting the human emotions that happened to me, either as a character or a spectator. I have altered a few orders, names and sequences. I have curtail

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Books by Aurobindo Patra

Shouting "He Boba ... (Hey uncle …)" one of the elderly male, up in the cave responded, “Kain hela je … Bua … (What happened … Son …)” Bhegnath retorted “En’ta ni … bo … (Just like that …)

It’s just the beginning of an endless night!

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Aurobindo Patra's Author Page - Notion Press | India's largest book publisher

Aurobindo Patra

Let's hear what heart says ...
Let's hear what heart says ...

Banker in profession and Writer by chance


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Books by Aurobindo Patra

'ENGINEER FACTORY' is a journey of adolescents aspiring to become an engineer at the oldest engineering college in Odisha. Our alma mater, UCE BURLA in bricks and mortars, has been in existence since 1956 with numerous untold stories.

All the stories portray real-life events and experiences, depicting the human emotions that happened to me, either as a character or a spectator. I have altered a few orders, names and sequences and curtai

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HANG THE TEACHER & Other Stories

Books by Aurobindo Patra

'HANG THE TEACHER & Other Stories' starts with a story when I was in Standard 5th. As I grew up and went to High School, then College and finally joined India's largest public sector bank, SBI, the other stories unfold. 

All the stories portray real-life events and experiences, depicting the human emotions that happened to me, either as a character or a spectator. I have altered a few orders, names and sequences. I have curtail

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Books by Aurobindo Patra

Shouting "He Boba ... (Hey uncle …)" one of the elderly male, up in the cave responded, “Kain hela je … Bua … (What happened … Son …)” Bhegnath retorted “En’ta ni … bo … (Just like that …)

It’s just the beginning of an endless night!

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