Rajeev Ahuja


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Reflections, Anecdotes, and Encounters

Books by Rajeev Ahuja

The essay is a form that many consider to be akin to a walk. We travel with the writer along paths they have constructed for us in their imaginations. This is not to say that the essay is simple fancy. Instead, a synthesis of intellect, emotions, and imagination is on display here. Memory itself is centre stage, as the writer explores some of their most dear memories, unpacking along the way each of the complex emotions that bubble to the surface.


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Modi's Strategy For New India

Books by Rajeev Ahuja

The Modi government’s strategy for India’s development defies easy understanding. It breaks conventional categorization such as short-term vs long-term, rural vs urban, rich vs poor, and government vs people. Those who do not see the strategy as a whole or have a blinkered vision tend to perceive it negatively.

Even economists, to whom people look for guidance, are at loss. Instead of clarifying, they seem to be adding to the confusion. It&

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Death of a Professional

Books by Rajeev Ahuja

A middle-aged professional – caught between family and work – is struggling to make a career jump. He falls out of favour with his female boss after he makes a couple of mistakes. No matter how hard he tries, he finds it difficult to please her. Is he finally able to win over his fastidious manager? Or does his effort take him in the opposite direction, further widening the rift between them? How does all this impact his spouse and two young childr

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