Anurag Ojha


happiness is a butterfly

Books by Yamini

Happiness is butterfly

Heart can be rolled in happiness.
Love is happened in unexpected time.
We believe in all this to began a way.
Chase a butterfly for a new change.
Reason we feel things after smiling.

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i love you mom

Books by Yasharsh Kiyan

what kind of soil

Don't know what clay this mother is made of
Covers us with four blankets and herself sleeps under one veil
And we are the one who is kept in a corner in the dark
And mother is the light that burns herself
never miss a chance to keep you in the light
Don't know what clay this mother is made of.

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special 26 january

Books by Komal Sharma & Rohit Bidwal

This book is Publish as a tribute to all the freedon fighter of our
country who put their life for our nation. Thousands of time other
kings and countries try to rule on India but our courage, will power,
togetherness, Cultures make us best coulturative and strong bond
country in the world. This book is all about respect for every soilder
who left their life for our nation.

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one sided love

Books by Aastha Mishra

There are so many writers who write But their writeups are just closed in their daires . and writing is the one and only way of sharing our thoughts to someone’s heart I aastha, would love  aspire talented writers to express themselves to the world of writings with their names. 

In this book Our writers had shared all of their feelings related to their one sided love and I have worked hard to bring this book. A book that may become coll

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some unsent words of life

Books by Pratima Brijesh Chaubey

We have always unsaid things for some people in our lives. Some unsaid love stories, some unsaid apologies and so much more. This book is all about such unsaid tales. It narrates the underlying, unexpressed, unsaid emotions of the writers who penned it down. It will be all about what the writers and the readers feel through the (unsaid) words. Sometimes, we feel a lot but express very less. This book expresses all that.
This anthology will take you to a cr

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Books by Shweta Gaur & Aanaida Rehman

INTENSE MUSING is a collection of literary works by different writers and poets, bringing together writings of passionate and dedicated individuals and giving them a platform to showcase their talents.

This book will not only give you one direction it will direct you to the paths of emotions that you have to face and to some which you are not acknowledged of, it will boost you in your hard times and make you learn to cherish the happy moments, it tells

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The Light of Island

Books by Jackson Chang

These series of poems were written between November and December 2020 at various locations in Taiwan. They were written in glad periods of my life. I conceptualized this poetry to be written in English, and later I may decide to translate them into Chinese Mandarin.

Moreover, “The Light of Island” presents the true beauty of my inner world. 

On the other hand, it reflects my thoughts which are inspired by my country’s

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एक सफर लफ़्ज़ों की दुनिया मैं

Books by चिराग पटेल

हम क्या महसूस करते हैं और हम कैसा महसूस करते हैं, इसका वर्णन करने के लिए शब्द बहुत महत्वपूर्ण हैं। शब्दों के माध्यम से व्यक्ति अपने विचारों और भावनाओं को व्यक्त कर सकता है। शब्द

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unsaid words

Books by Arpita Khare

There are so many writers who write and remain unknown (unsaid). They present themselves with their words and unsaid feelings. These writers hide their actual, their real side. I Arpita, would love  aspire talented writers to express themselves to the world of writings with their names. 

This  has all the emotions of the writers who wanted to make them a part of this book. Writers present themselves with their unsaid feelings. There may

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make a wish

Books by Yamini

Every now and then, we may think that the world is a better place, but in the end, we are made to realize it’s not. The horrid of this world is still unrealized and we’re just bystanders who can only hope for the world to be better. This hope of ours is what allows us to dream, to “Wish”.

A wish is the foundation for action. It is the desire to do or have something and it is what forms the basis of life.  There are some wis

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अब कारण नहीं बतायेंगे

Books by अनुराग ओझा

एक पुस्तक केवल लेखक के बुद्धिमान होने का परिचय अगर दें, तो समझ लिजिये कि आम आदमी की नजर में उसका कोई मोल नहीं ! इस पुस्तक के माध्यम से विपत्ति में भी अदम्य जीवन में कैसे अनुराग लाना

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