Sreeja Chakraborty


Musings of an Indian Girl

Books by Sreeja Chakraborty

The poems in Musings of an Indian Girl are the very best of Sreeja Chakraborty's poetry. Curated from the midst of hundreds of poems written in the course of fifteen years, these poems are heavily influenced by the multitudinous poets, painters, authors, and ideas that she encountered in different stages of her life. This book is her debut into the realm of literary publications.

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Sreeja Chakraborty's Author Page - Notion Press | India's largest book publisher

Sreeja Chakraborty


Musings of an Indian Girl

Books by Sreeja Chakraborty

The poems in Musings of an Indian Girl are the very best of Sreeja Chakraborty's poetry. Curated from the midst of hundreds of poems written in the course of fifteen years, these poems are heavily influenced by the multitudinous poets, painters, authors, and ideas that she encountered in different stages of her life. This book is her debut into the realm of literary publications.

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