Atulya Bajaj

Speaker, Writer, Podcaster, Blogger, Self-Care Activist.
Speaker, Writer, Podcaster, Blogger, Self-Care Activist.


Master Your Brain

Books by Atulya Bajaj


Okay, let me put up a huge yet deep question first, “DO YOU THINK, YOUR LIFE; IS THE BEST? IS IT THE ODD ONE OUT?” If your answer is YES, and you believe that you can not make yourself and your life better than present; I highly recommend this book to you!

‘Master Your Brain,’ is my influence to all such people out there, who think that they can not upscale their life. When I say, Master Your Bra

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The Gulabjamuns

Books by Atulya Bajaj

A family tries to find a Gulabjamuns' thief. He steals Gulabjamuns every single time when they are brought in the house. Will they be able to catch him or not?

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Atulya Bajaj's Author Page - Notion Press | India's largest book publisher

Atulya Bajaj

Speaker, Writer, Podcaster, Blogger, Self-Care Activist.
Speaker, Writer, Podcaster, Blogger, Self-Care Activist.


Master Your Brain

Books by Atulya Bajaj


Okay, let me put up a huge yet deep question first, “DO YOU THINK, YOUR LIFE; IS THE BEST? IS IT THE ODD ONE OUT?” If your answer is YES, and you believe that you can not make yourself and your life better than present; I highly recommend this book to you!

‘Master Your Brain,’ is my influence to all such people out there, who think that they can not upscale their life. When I say, Master Your Bra

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The Gulabjamuns

Books by Atulya Bajaj

A family tries to find a Gulabjamuns' thief. He steals Gulabjamuns every single time when they are brought in the house. Will they be able to catch him or not?

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