Swapnil Modi

Dual Gold Medalist (LL.M - Business Laws & LL.B - General) and M.B.A. (HR) - Contracts Specialist
Dual Gold Medalist (LL.M - Business Laws & LL.B - General) and M.B.A. (HR) - Contracts Specialist

Swapnil Modi is a dynamic & detail-oriented professional with over 17 years of extensive corporate experience. He is skillful, resourceful, and proactive in finding solutions. He ranked as 10X Star Performer in his career with Etech, Inc. Swapnil has earned a First-Class degree in LL.M and is a Gold Medalist in Business Law. The Hon'ble Education Minister of Gujarat awarded him his medal from CU Shah University. He ranked First from Siddharth Law College in Gujarat University with a Gold Medal for the final LL.B examination. He has also completed his M.B.A. (HR) from Nims University with a FirRead More...


Good Habits Bad Habits

Books by Savyman

When we discuss good habits, we refer to actions that produce better results without any harm or negative impact. It's important to discover how to implement minute adjustments and swap out harmful habits for constructive ones. Fortunately, a lot of successful individuals have changed their bad habits to good ones, and you may now benefit from their experiences to enhance your own life. By developing good habits, you may live the life you desire with greater e

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योग - स्वस्थ जीवन के लिए

Books by कि्षना ऐस

योग एक प्राचीन प्रथा है जो शरीर, मन और आत्मा को संतुलित करने वाली विकास पद्धति पर आधारित है। योग अभ्यास करने वाले लोगों के लिए एक दर्शन, जुनून और जीवन शैली है। योग अब मनोरंजन केंद्

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रंगों के मनोवैज्ञानिक प्रभाव

Books by सेविमैन

कौन सा रंग आपको सबसे अच्छा लगता है?
कौन सा रंग आपको सुकून देता है?
रंग हमारे विचारों को कैसे प्रभावित करता है?
हम कुछ रंगों की ओर क्यों आकर्षित होते हैं?
क्या आप जानते हैं कि क

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Motivation 365

Books by Savyman

Motivational books, speeches, and quotes all work to inspire us and bring out our undetected talents. Ladies and gentlemen, I've gathered a list of inspiring quotations to inspire you for 365 days. Reading great quotations daily proves beneficial because it helps us build a good mindset and a more focused approach to life. Powerful quotations can offer us the inspiration and motivation we need to overcome obstacles and stay dedicated to our goals. I hope that

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The Psychology of Leadership

Books by Savyman

Leadership is a fundamental component of achievement in many fields, including business, politics, and sports. Understanding the psychology of leaders begins with understanding what constitutes a leader and the traits they possess.

·   Do you see yourself as a successful leader?

·   Are you conscious and capable of taking difficult decisions?

·   Are you capable of thinking and acting as a leader in a

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Master Key to Draft Contracts

Books by Savyman

 Ever wondered what are the essential sections, clauses, articles (terms & conditions) to include in your agreement to safeguard your individual or company’s interest and mitigate the risk factor? Can it be enforceable by Law? Have you ever struggled with understanding a particular clause/section of any agreement? This book shall answer your questions pertaining to the drafting, vetting and reviewing the terms and conditions of the agreement.


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રંગોની મનોવૈજ્ઞાનિક અસરો

Books by સેવીમેન

કયો રંગ તમને સૌથી અનુકૂળ છે?
કયો રંગ તમને હળવાશ અનુભવ કરાવે છે?
રંગ આપણા વિચારોને કેવી રીતે અસર કરે છે?
શા માટે આપણે અમુંક રંગો પ્રત્યે આકર્ષણ અનુભવીએ છીએ?
શું તમ

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The PSYCHOLOGICAL effect of COLORS in our life

Books by Savyman

Which color is most friendly?
Which color makes you feel relaxed?
How does color affect our thoughts?
Why do we feel attracted towards a few colors?
Did you know that color can be used to enhance focus?
How exactly does color psychology work?

These questions, along with many more, are answered in this book as we explore the world of color psychology. Colors have the ability to provoke certai

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Yoga for healthy living

Books by Krishna S

Yoga is an ancient practice that is founded on a method of development that balances the body, mind, and soul. Yoga is a philosophy, passion, and way of life for people who practice it.Yoga is now widely practiced at recreation centers, health clubs, schools, hospitals, and surgeries. One of the most essential advantage of any Yoga practice is the quieting of the mind. The basic line is that you must learn to pay attention. You fine-tune your focus, first with

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Aumente O Seu Salário

Books by Swapnil Modi

Você está insatisfeito com o seu salário atual?
Você está decepcionado com o aumento de salário anual?
Você está disposto a caminhar a milha extra para "aumentar o seu salário?"
Quer crescer na sua carreira profissional?

Se a resposta a alguma dessas perguntas for SIM, vá em frente e continue lendo.

E se eu disser: SIM! Você pode “AUMENTAR O SEU SAL&Aacut

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Books by Swapnil Modi

¿Está cansado de realizar las mismas tareas repetidamente cada año?
¿Está dispuesto a hacer un esfuerzo adicional para "obtener un ascenso en el trabajo"?
¿Crees que tu talento & amp; las habilidades están infrautilizadas?
¿Desea elevar su escala profesional?
¿Estás listo para aprender y dominar "el arte de vivir una vida corporativa"?

Si la respuesta a cualquiera de

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આપનો પગાર વધારો

Books by સ્વપ્નીલ મોદી

શું તમે તમારા હાલના પગારથી નાખુશ છો?
શું તમે તમારા વાર્ષિક વૃદ્ધિથી નિરાશ છો?
શું તમે "તમારો પગાર વધારવા" માટે મહેનત કરવા તૈયાર છો?
શું તમે તમારી વ્યવસાયિક કારકિર્દ

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Haga Crecer Su Cheque De Pago

Books by Swapnil Modi

¿No está satisfecho con su cheque de pago actual?
¿Está decepcionado con su aumento de sueldo anual?
¿Está dispuesto a hacer un esfuerzo adicional para "aumentar su sueldo"?
¿Quiere crecer en su carrera profesional?

Si la respuesta a cualquiera de estas preguntas es , continúe leyendo.

En este libro, he revelado estrategias efectivas

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Augmentez Votre Salaire

Books by Swapnil Modi

Êtes-vous insatisfait de votre salaire actuel ?
Êtes-vous déçu de votre augmentation annuelle de salaire ?
Êtes-vous prêt à faire un effort supplémentaire pour « augmenter votre salaire » ?
Vous souhaitez évoluer dans votre carrière professionnelle ?

Si la réponse à l'une de ces questions est OUI, continuez et poursuivez votre lecture.

Et si

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Books by Krishna S.

Love never has a definite form; it also has no limitations or boundaries.

The definition of love is different for everyone.

This book contains different forms of love:

1..Will Jiya and Jigar's love ever come true and see the sunlight? Or Will they sacrifice their love? Or will they give a new name to their love?

2..Will Nirmala's life bring evolution?

3..Will Seema live her life o

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अपना वेतन बढ़ाओ

Books by स्वप्नील मोदी

क्या आप अपनी वर्तमान तनख्वाह से नाखुश हैं?
क्या आप अपने वार्षिक वेतन वृद्धि से निराश हैं?
क्या आप "अपनी तनख्वाह बढ़ाना" के लिए अतिरिक्त मील चलने को तैयार हैं?
क्या आप अपने पेशे

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दिल की आवाज़

Books by क्रिष्ना एस.

इन ‘’पांच कहानियाँ’’ मे हरएक कहानी मे अलग अलग विषय वस्तु का निरूपण किया है जैसे की :-

-खोफनक ओर

ऐसे विषय को लेकर कहा

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Books by Swapnil Modi

Are you unhappy with your current paycheck? 
Are you disappointed with your annual pay raise? 
Are you willing to walk the extra mile to “grow your paycheck?” 
Do you wish to grow in your professional career? 
If the answer to any of these questions is YES, go ahead and read on. 

Admit it, you must have thought that you are underpaid or you should get paid a little higher for all the work you are cur

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