Shyam Shah

Writer, Director and editor. Degree and Diploma in Film and Art and Craft
Writer, Director and editor. Degree and Diploma in Film and Art and Craft


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The user manual of a Happy Husband-Wife

Books by Shyam Shah

This user manual is for both spouses. The mistake of one can never turn into a quarrel with the understanding of the other. On which occasion, what to say, what not to say, how to keep a situation under control, both should be understood. 

I hope ‘The user manual of a happy husband-wife will prove to be a unique gift for your married life. Believe it, if you understand this user manual and adopt it in your married life, then your married lif

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सफ़ल शादी का यूजर मैनुअल

Books by श्याम साह

सफ़ल शादी का यूजर मैनुअल पति-पत्नी दोनों के लिए है। एक की गलती, दूसरे की समझदारी से कभी तकरार में नहीं बदल सकती। किस मौके पर क्या कहना है क्या नहीं कहना, कैसे किसी परिस्थिति को नियं

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आप भी ड्रॉइंग और पेंटिंग कर सकते हैं।

Books by श्याम साह

बहुत सारे लोगों का ये मानना है की ड्रॉइंग और पेंटिंग करना सभी के लिए आसान नहीं है। इसके लिए जन्म के साथ ही जरूरी दक्षता और गुण का होना जरूरी है। कुछ लोग ये भी मानते है की ड्रॉइंग और

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Anybody can Draw and Paint (Black and White)

Books by Shyam Shah

Many people think that, only few people can make an excellent career in drawing and painting. Because they believe, it's not just easy and very few can afford it's cost and required skill. But with this e-Book 'Anybody can draw' any people with very less or no drawing skill, can become excellent in drawing, sketching and painting. Extensive research is done to discover super easy learning techniques, so that anybody can draw, sketch and paint easily and correc

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आप भी ड्रॉइंग और पेंटिंग कर सकते हैं।

Books by श्याम साह

बहुत सारे लोगों का ये मानना है की ड्रॉइंग और पेंटिंग करना सभी के लिए आसान नहीं है। इसके लिए जन्म के साथ ही जरूरी दक्षता और गुण का होना जरूरी है। कुछ लोग ये भी मानते है की ड्रॉइंग और

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Anybody can Draw and Paint

Books by Shyam Shah

Many people think that, only few people can make an excellent career in drawing and painting. Because they believe, it's not just easy and very few can afford it's cost and required skill. But with this e-Book 'Anybody can draw' any people with very less or no drawing skill, can become excellent in drawing, sketching and painting. Extensive research is done to discover super easy learning techniques, so that anybody can draw, sketch and paint easily and correc

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