Creative's Era

Writers Group
Writers Group

Creative's Era is an Alliance which helps Authors & Poets to publish their books and take their wonderful imagination towards the world. Here on this channel of Creative's Era you can listen the books published by the Alliance, and you can also be a member if you are a true Author or Poet.Read More...



Books by Akshansh Gupta

This book is all about a woman, Alice, who since childhood had a dream to join  the armed forces, though the story fights all odds and is finally able to achieve her goal. She proves that a woman can do anything if she wants to.

Her story has been full of ups & downs as she always had to sacrifice her family for her duty.

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Haunted Hotel

Books by Aarna Gupta

This book is really scary, you do not know what is coming when & where, the 4 main characters share a nice bonding and this also helps them to deal with the problem. The story is Horrifying, breathtaking & unpredictable.

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Dimension Series

Books by Anurag Saha

In Volume 1 Alex got to know that Adam is the uknown mafia, and Adam got a lot of money for killing the President of Germany,
After all that we see the lovely bond of father and daughter, but Alex will definatly come between them. Then the real rivalry will begin and to give it a full stop, the past will come in the present to show it's presence.

However the story does not end here, the rivalry is long to go

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The Survivors

Books by Anupriya Gautam

When it comes to an ocean trip, we think of some quality time with family  & friends but here that case is not like that, instead they end up on an unkonwn & scary land. The main Character goes through a trauma of losing his parents &  throwing his frieds into a dangerous place, but with time he adapted himself to survive, later the story thorws another twist, read to see. 

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The Worthy Dog

Books by Abhinav Atray

This book is about a relation of a boy & his dog, the story has a good sequence of Drama in the book, the story starts with our main character asking for a dangerous breed of dog, his parents not wanting to do that but for safety, they bring a dog who is from a different breed, later the story goes and builds the relation between the owner and the dog, however the story does not have a simple ending, read to understand & enjoy the ending.

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Creative's Era Shorts

Books by Creative's Era

This book is an combination of poems & short stories from different authors, the book contains poems talking  real world issues like sterotype, rapes etc, this book also contains a bit of friction, horror and humor in it's short stories so that the mood of the readers does not dense up too much. 

The Authors have tried their best to make a perfect balance of realestic and non-realestic written matter.The Authors suggest th

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रचनात्मक प्रतिबिंब

Books by क्रिएटिव'स एरा

इस किताब में 7 कविताएं और 5 लघु कथाएं हैं । सबका अपना अपना विशेष कार्य है, कोई आपको जातिवाद के बारे में बताता है तो दूसरी तरफ कोई आपको कोरोना महामारी के पहले इस स्थिति को बताता है, कु

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