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"It was a wonderful experience interacting with you and appreciate the way you have planned and executed the whole publication process within the agreed timelines.”
Subrat SaurabhAuthor of Kuch Woh Pal
Today’s and Tomorrow’s wars are not guaranteed to be won by yesterday’s technologies. To enhance the chances of achieving victories in the modern and future wars, the nations have to embrace converging, emerging, innovative, disruptive, and critical technologies and new strategies. It is with this changed paradigm in view, that the current book is written. This comprehensive book is divided into seven sections consisting of 60 chapters. Besid
Today’s and Tomorrow’s wars are not guaranteed to be won by yesterday’s technologies. To enhance the chances of achieving victories in the modern and future wars, the nations have to embrace converging, emerging, innovative, disruptive, and critical technologies and new strategies. It is with this changed paradigm in view, that the current book is written. This comprehensive book is divided into seven sections consisting of 60 chapters. Besides the interested general readers across the globe, who wish to have a grasp of the converging, emerging, innovative, disruptive, and critical technologies, and new strategies for the modern and future warfare, this comprehensive book can also be used as a ‘Reference Book in Warfare Technologies’ by the researchers, Goverments, and Military-technologies-related agencies.
Today’s and Tomorrow’s wars are not guaranteed to be won by yesterday’s technologies. To enhance the chances of achieving victories in the modern and future wars, the nations have to embrace converging, emerging, innovative, disruptive, and critical technologies and new strategies. It is with this changed paradigm in view, that the current book is written. This comprehensive book is divided into seven sections consisting of 60 chapters. Besid
Today’s and Tomorrow’s wars are not guaranteed to be won by yesterday’s technologies. To enhance the chances of achieving victories in the modern and future wars, the nations have to embrace converging, emerging, innovative, disruptive, and critical technologies and new strategies. It is with this changed paradigm in view, that the current book is written. This comprehensive book is divided into seven sections consisting of 60 chapters. Besides the interested general readers across the globe, who wish to have a grasp of the converging, emerging, innovative, disruptive, and critical technologies, and new strategies for the modern and future warfare, this comprehensive book can also be used as a ‘Reference Book in Warfare Technologies’ by the researchers, Goverments, and Military-technologies-related agencies.
Climate change is the weather of a specific region averaged over a long period of time, like a couple of decades or more. Weather refers to short-term atmospheric conditions in a region. Unmitigated climate change can cause severe emission of greenhouse gases and global warming. Human activities, like use of fossil fuels, transport, and polluting industry etc., are the major contributors to climate change, resulting into rise in temperatures,
Climate change is the weather of a specific region averaged over a long period of time, like a couple of decades or more. Weather refers to short-term atmospheric conditions in a region. Unmitigated climate change can cause severe emission of greenhouse gases and global warming. Human activities, like use of fossil fuels, transport, and polluting industry etc., are the major contributors to climate change, resulting into rise in temperatures, extreme heat waves, wildfires, dust storms, cyclones, hurricanes, floods, landslides, droughts, melting of ice, sea-level rise, deforestation, reduction of fertile land, hunger, poverty, health risks, extinction of species, death of humans and animals, population migration, economic slowdown, and social unrest, etc. Climate change is the number-one challenge for all countries across the globe, adversely affecting almost all the humans and countries, rich or poor, developed, developing or under-developed.
The present book, comprising of seven sections and 60 chapters, encounters this challenge of climate-change head-on. It discusses the causes of climate change, its adverse effects, monitoring, adaptation, and the mitigation steps comprehensively, with an aim to sensitize the governments, concerned agencies and citizens of the world about this gigantic problem while recommending its solutions.
Climate change is the weather of a specific region averaged over a long period of time, like a couple of decades or more. Weather refers to short-term atmospheric conditions in a region. Unmitigated climate change can cause severe emission of greenhouse gases and global warming. Human activities, like use of fossil fuels, transport, and polluting industry etc., are the major contributors to climate change, resulting into rise in temperatures,
Climate change is the weather of a specific region averaged over a long period of time, like a couple of decades or more. Weather refers to short-term atmospheric conditions in a region. Unmitigated climate change can cause severe emission of greenhouse gases and global warming. Human activities, like use of fossil fuels, transport, and polluting industry etc., are the major contributors to climate change, resulting into rise in temperatures, extreme heat waves, wildfires, dust storms, cyclones, hurricanes, floods, landslides, droughts, melting of ice, sea-level rise, deforestation, reduction of fertile land, hunger, poverty, health risks, extinction of species, death of humans and animals, population migration, economic slowdown, and social unrest, etc. Climate change is the number-one challenge for all countries across the globe, adversely affecting almost all the humans and countries, rich or poor, developed, developing or under-developed.
The present book, comprising of seven sections and 60 chapters, encounters this challenge of climate-change head-on. It discusses the causes of climate change, its adverse effects, monitoring, adaptation, and the mitigation steps comprehensively, with an aim to sensitize the governments, concerned agencies and citizens of the world about this gigantic problem while recommending its solutions.
Mind-reading typically refers to the ability of discerning or interpreting someone else's thoughts, feelings, or intentions. Mind Reading has two components: human-based, and (ii) device-based (artificial intelligence).
Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to programming computers to do tasks that normally require human intelligence, like learning, problem-solving, and understanding language. It is like giving computers the ability to think and make dec
Mind-reading typically refers to the ability of discerning or interpreting someone else's thoughts, feelings, or intentions. Mind Reading has two components: human-based, and (ii) device-based (artificial intelligence).
Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to programming computers to do tasks that normally require human intelligence, like learning, problem-solving, and understanding language. It is like giving computers the ability to think and make decisions on their own, similar to how humans do. AI helps machines learn from data, adapt to new situations, and perform tasks without being explicitly programmed for each step.
This book covers the topics on human-based and device-based mind reading and interpretation (artificial intelligence, that is divided into 32 chapters and the following 8 sections: (i) Mind-Reading and Artificial Intelligence: Introduction and Overview, (ii) Human-Based Mind Reading, (iii) Artificial Intelligence: Introduction & Types of Learning, (iv) Device-Based Mind Reading And Virtual Assistants, (v) Applications and Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence, (vi) Artificial Intelligence: Ethical Issues, Risks and Regulations, (vii) Artificial Consciousness, and (viii) Artificial Intelligence in India: Status, and the Way Forward.
There are three types of intelligences: cognitive, emotional, and spiritual with the associated quotients: Intelligence Quotient (IQ), Emotional Quotient (EQ), and Spiritual Quotient (SQ), respectively. Whereas, the IQ measures the intellectual capacity of a person, EQ measures the person's self-awareness, feeling of empathy to be sensitive to situational feelings; SQ refers to the persons’ ability to build their capacity for the meaning of l
There are three types of intelligences: cognitive, emotional, and spiritual with the associated quotients: Intelligence Quotient (IQ), Emotional Quotient (EQ), and Spiritual Quotient (SQ), respectively. Whereas, the IQ measures the intellectual capacity of a person, EQ measures the person's self-awareness, feeling of empathy to be sensitive to situational feelings; SQ refers to the persons’ ability to build their capacity for the meaning of life, the vision and value they hold, and strive for the self-actualization by connecting with inter self and the higher self. It has interface with spirituality to help oneself create a balance amongst the various facets of one’s life. Spiritual Quotient (SQ) is the sum total of IQ and EQ. IQ is the functionality of left brain; EQ is the functionality of right brain; and SQ is the functionality of whole brain. SQ has been understood to be the most fundamental of the three 'Q's. The present book is about the “Spiritual Intelligence: its significance, applications, measurement, and the development techniques”. The book is divided into twenty chapters, explaining the skills, aspects, components of Spiritual Intelligence and how to apply, measure and develop one’s SQ.
One of the most discussed topics among physicists, astronomers and cosmologists, is the origin of our universe. A number of theories have been put forward to explain the origin of the universe. Based on the evidence, the theory of Big Bang is widely accepted today. What is the Big Bang? Around 13.8 billion years ago, all the energy and the matter was compressed into a miniscule point. There was nothing else, no space or sky outside it. Everything was contained
One of the most discussed topics among physicists, astronomers and cosmologists, is the origin of our universe. A number of theories have been put forward to explain the origin of the universe. Based on the evidence, the theory of Big Bang is widely accepted today. What is the Big Bang? Around 13.8 billion years ago, all the energy and the matter was compressed into a miniscule point. There was nothing else, no space or sky outside it. Everything was contained in that point. All at once, this point (which could not bear that high density and very high temperature), started expanding at an incredibly fast rate. In a split-second, it was the size of a grape, an instant later, a km-wide. Within a minute, it was billions of km-wide…and so on. Since then, the universe is not only expanding, it is expanding with faster speed as the time is passing.
It's a mind-boggling question that has intrigued the scientists and the commoners alike for centuries is: “What was there before the Big Bang? Was there a universe or many more universes before our own universe? Will there be more universes after this universe? Are there parallel universes or cyclic universes? Was there just one big bang (that we know for this universe) or were there two or more big bangs? What are the theories which attempt to explain the phenomenon of the ‘Universe before the Big Bang’.
A Near-Death Experience (NDE) is the recollected experience of someone who has been declared ‘clinically dead’ by the doctors, followed by resuscitation (the act of bringing someone back to life).
Common traits that have been reported by NDErs (persons having near-dear experiences) are: An awareness of being dead; A sense of peace, well-being, painlessness and other positive emotions; a sense of removal from the world; an intense fe
A Near-Death Experience (NDE) is the recollected experience of someone who has been declared ‘clinically dead’ by the doctors, followed by resuscitation (the act of bringing someone back to life).
Common traits that have been reported by NDErs (persons having near-dear experiences) are: An awareness of being dead; A sense of peace, well-being, painlessness and other positive emotions; a sense of removal from the world; an intense feeling of unconditional love and acceptance; experiencing euphoric environments, an out-of-body experience (OBE), that means, a perception of one's body from an outside position, sometimes observing medical professionals performing resuscitation efforts; a "tunnel experience" or entering a zone of darkness; a rapid movement toward a bright light; being reunited with deceased loved ones; receiving a ‘life review’, commonly referred to as "seeing one's life in a flash-back before one's eyes"; approaching a border or a decision by oneself or others to return to one's body, often accompanied by a reluctance to return; and suddenly finding oneself back inside one's body.
Although majority of the NDErs report pleasant experiences, a few of them may have distressing or unpleasant experiences also.
This book consists of 13 chapters, categorized into three sections: (i) Introduction and Overview, (ii) Some True Stories, and (iii) Scientific Interpretation.
The Sanskrit word for ‘Siddhi’ means “perfection,” “accomplishment” or “success”. It refers to the fact that siddhis are the fruit of the perfect achievement of spiritual practices. Siddhis are generally the powers to control the self, control others and control the natural world. Although siddhis appear to be supernatural, they are actually accessible to all humans in this birth itself. They arise naturally when
The Sanskrit word for ‘Siddhi’ means “perfection,” “accomplishment” or “success”. It refers to the fact that siddhis are the fruit of the perfect achievement of spiritual practices. Siddhis are generally the powers to control the self, control others and control the natural world. Although siddhis appear to be supernatural, they are actually accessible to all humans in this birth itself. They arise naturally when, through spiritual practices etc., the emptiness and openness of the mind is realized.
A Siddha means ‘realized, perfected person,’ a term generally applied to a practitioner who has, through his practice, realized his dual goals of siddhis and body-immortality.
The most authentic text sources for attaining Siddhis are: (i) ‘Yoga Sutras of Patanjali’, (ii) Srimad Bhagavantam, and (iii) Kashmir Shaivism (in Hinduism); (iv) ‘The Visuddhimagga’ (the Path of Purification), through Kasina Meditation (in Buddhism), (v) ‘Atma Siddhi Shastra’, (in Jainism), which includes Labdhis, and (vi) ‘Sri Guru Granth Sahib’ (in Sikhism), besides many other texts like Hanuman Chalisa, Samkhya Philosophy etc.
These concepts of Siddhis, are explained in details, in this book consisting of twelve chapters.
The book is strongly supported by over 110 verses in Sanskrit (shlokas) along with their Roman script, translation and explanation in English language.
This Book is humbly dedicated to Maharishi Patanjali, Author of Patanjali Yoga Sutras.
The Upanishads, the Brahma Sūtras and the Bhagavad Gita constitute the three component sources of Vedanta. Māyā, literally means "illusion". It is unstable, ever-changing, impermanent, unreliable and never the same. According to Advaita Vedanta, this world is Māyā. Mithyā means "false belief". One example of Mithyā is perceiving a rope as a snake in the in insufficient light or in dark. There is a famous Sanskrit verse: “Brahma Satyam, Jagat Mithy
The Upanishads, the Brahma Sūtras and the Bhagavad Gita constitute the three component sources of Vedanta. Māyā, literally means "illusion". It is unstable, ever-changing, impermanent, unreliable and never the same. According to Advaita Vedanta, this world is Māyā. Mithyā means "false belief". One example of Mithyā is perceiving a rope as a snake in the in insufficient light or in dark. There is a famous Sanskrit verse: “Brahma Satyam, Jagat Mithyā”; that means: Brahman is the truth. The world is a false belief. These concepts of Māyā, Mithyā, and the Brahman, as viewed by the Vedanta, are explained in details, in this book consisting of twelve chapters. The book is strongly supported by over 150 verses in Sanskrit (shlokas) along with their Roman script, translation and explanation in English language. This book is dedicated to Maharshi Bādarāyaṇa, the Author of ‘Brahma Sutras, a component of Vedanta.
‘Tantra’ means a spiritual technique, a total package that includes sadhana, mantra, yantra, worship, abhisheka and other processes. Tantra aims to transcend from the superficial level to the deepest level in order to realize the enlightened consciousness and the fullest potentialities of its practitioners. Unlike meditation and yantra, which are the components of tantra practices, tantra includes all the aspects of a practitioner – physical,
‘Tantra’ means a spiritual technique, a total package that includes sadhana, mantra, yantra, worship, abhisheka and other processes. Tantra aims to transcend from the superficial level to the deepest level in order to realize the enlightened consciousness and the fullest potentialities of its practitioners. Unlike meditation and yantra, which are the components of tantra practices, tantra includes all the aspects of a practitioner – physical, mental, psychological, emotional and spiritual. Tantra is unique in that it takes the whole person into account. Other spiritual practices like meditation, worship, etc. ordinarily teach that the desire for worldly pleasures and spiritual aspirations are mutually exclusive, setting the stage for an endless internal struggle within the humans.
The present book aims to discuss these aspects in detail while describing the Tantra philosophy and practices in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. A detailed chapter is included at the end of this book which describes how tantra is a science and how its benefits can be measured in the laboratory. When this scientific aspect of tantra falls into the hands of quacks, it is misused, giving tantra a bad name. Fortunately, there are still many tantric masters and authentic scriptures to undercut such false and distorted notions about tantra and make it possible for us to gain a better understanding and utilize this sublime path.
Ganesha Consciousness is the pre-eminent consciousness of all Divine archetypes. It is beyond time and space. It is capable of the greatest intelligence and wisdom and is unlimited in its ability to do anything, including time/space mastery, protection equivalent to Vishnu, wealth equivalent to Lakshmi, purity equal to Shiva, wisdom equal to Murugan (Ganesha’s brother), intelligence equal to Saraswati, compassion and power equivalent to Shakti, and mind/
Ganesha Consciousness is the pre-eminent consciousness of all Divine archetypes. It is beyond time and space. It is capable of the greatest intelligence and wisdom and is unlimited in its ability to do anything, including time/space mastery, protection equivalent to Vishnu, wealth equivalent to Lakshmi, purity equal to Shiva, wisdom equal to Murugan (Ganesha’s brother), intelligence equal to Saraswati, compassion and power equivalent to Shakti, and mind/body/soul strength equal to Hanuman.
What sets Ganesha apart from all other archetypes is his ability to give results faster. It is because of his special intelligence to remove any obstacles and bless the devotees with material, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits. This book is all about Lord Ganesha, its Consciousness and its correlation with ‘Quantum Science’.
As the title of the book “Trataka: A Concentrated Gazing Technique for Mystical Powers”, suggests that it is a concentrated technique for gazing, without blinking the eyes, on an object to get a large number of benefits to the practitioner: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Trataka is a science that has been explored and developed for thousands of years by sages, monks, ascetics, and ordinary practitioners to get these benefits leading to
As the title of the book “Trataka: A Concentrated Gazing Technique for Mystical Powers”, suggests that it is a concentrated technique for gazing, without blinking the eyes, on an object to get a large number of benefits to the practitioner: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Trataka is a science that has been explored and developed for thousands of years by sages, monks, ascetics, and ordinary practitioners to get these benefits leading to mystical powers, peace of mind, bliss, enlightenment, and samadhi. There can be many objects on which the trataka practice can be performed to achieve the desired outcome. These objects include Sun, Moon, Candle Flame, Fire, Mirror, Image of Guru, Deity, Thumb, Right Shoulder, Left Shoulder, the Nose tip, Gazing between the Eyebrows, Gazing on a Flower, Leaf Tree, Sea, River or Lake, etc.
Trataka cures diseases of the eyes such as eyestrain, astigmatism, and myopia. It enhances cognitive capabilities, memory power, improves pulse rate, blood pressure, etc. It develops clairvoyance, telepathy, as well as strong willpower and single-pointedness. Trataka leads one to a stage where shunyata or emptiness arises, and one becomes delightfully engrossed in the ultimate state of Cosmic Self, the transcendental reality.
Om Namah Shivaya is one of the most powerful mantras. The chanter of this mantra gets miraculous benefits at the physical, mental and spiritual levels. Namah Shivaya means “Salutation to Lord Shiva". It is called Panchakshara mantra, meaning that it is the "five-syllable" mantra (excluding the Om) Na, Ma, Shi, Va, Ya. Here ‘Na’ represents earth; ‘Ma’ represents water; ‘Shi’ represents fire; ‘Va’ repre
Om Namah Shivaya is one of the most powerful mantras. The chanter of this mantra gets miraculous benefits at the physical, mental and spiritual levels. Namah Shivaya means “Salutation to Lord Shiva". It is called Panchakshara mantra, meaning that it is the "five-syllable" mantra (excluding the Om) Na, Ma, Shi, Va, Ya. Here ‘Na’ represents earth; ‘Ma’ represents water; ‘Shi’ represents fire; ‘Va’ represents Pranic air; and ‘Ya’ represents sky or ether. For this reason, this mantra is known for mastering all these five elements in the Universe. It is not just a moksha giving mantra; it also enlightens, our inner thought-process and improves blood circulation and has a positive effect on the neurons. It increases the happiness molecule which is known as GABA chemical. The list of incredible benefits of chanting Om Namah Shivaya mantra is very large. For example, it gives the chanter freedom from stress, depression and lethargy. It is claimed that the chanter of ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ need not do any other spiritual practices to attain peace, happiness, bliss and enlightenment.
Who doesn’t want to be happy? The obvious answer is: everybody wants. Every year on 31st December, when the clock strikes 00:00 Hours in the middle of the night, we start wishing ‘Happy New Year’ to our nears and dears, if they are awake at that time. On your birthday, wedding anniversary, festivals, etc. many of your friends and family members send you ‘Happy Messages’ and you reciprocate the same. The common word in all the abov
Who doesn’t want to be happy? The obvious answer is: everybody wants. Every year on 31st December, when the clock strikes 00:00 Hours in the middle of the night, we start wishing ‘Happy New Year’ to our nears and dears, if they are awake at that time. On your birthday, wedding anniversary, festivals, etc. many of your friends and family members send you ‘Happy Messages’ and you reciprocate the same. The common word in all the above sentences is ‘Happy’. In a nutshell, everybody wants not only himself/herself to be happy, he/she also wants others also to be happy. The International Day of Happiness is observed every year on 20 March. This most sought-after concept (of happiness) and techniques to achieve this state will be discussed in detail in this book.
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