Apace Publication


Get your book published in low cost. We provide you the best platform to make your own name and fame in just one writing.  Apace publication publishes novel, books, magazines, It also provide a great platform to show your talent in field of literature.Read More...


We Are Bounded

Books by Ayush Bhandari

Thank you our writers who support us. Thank you for such a beautiful contribution in our second anthology.

Here is the book "We Are Bounded" which contains poetry about life of girls, society, feminism, struggle of girls, etc. It's really a great collection of beatiful poems in Hindi and English Language. This book has two section: English and Hindi, Our top great writers across every corner of India collab with us. We believe that poetry is the best w

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Books by कोमल

मोहब्बत में दर्द केसा होता है ये तो सिर्फ वही जनता है जिसने मोहब्बत की हो| ऐसे ही कुछ जज़्बात और दर्द और ख्याल को शब्दों में कोमल जी की किताब "मोहब्बत ऐ दर्द" में पिरोया है | हम आशा करत

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Books by श्रीमान खुशाल सिंह दलाल

इस किताब में खुशाल सिंह जी की स्वरचित कविताए है जो प्रकृति, समाज, अथवा प्रेम पर है| इसमें नारी अथवा प्रेरणादायक कविता है जो जीवन में मार्गदर्शन देती है|

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Finding Love

By Apace Publication in Poetry | Reads: 736 | Likes: 0

When you find love You will be late to hate When you find love You will come out fine and sweet Love is unique Love is universal Love is everlasting Love is not short lived To find love  All I needed was to find you To have a val All I needed was to have you Love was abstract and faceless You ar  Read More...

Published on Feb 15,2021 12:42 AM

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