

Sun In My Soul

Books by Shivaansh Shankar

When the power of psychedelia awakens your mind, pick up this book, read what it has to offer and go on to explore the greatest depths of your true inner thoughts and feelings.
Try to search for the purpose of your existence, be disgusted at our shallow youth and scrutinize everything which brings them joy.

This is poetry for you. Do not try to interpret the author's intended meaning.

Self introspect and make peace with yourself.

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Eclipse: Our Solar Child

By Shivaansh in Poetry | Reads: 101 | Likes: 0

In love with the sun, Fleeting rays which shine, Or was it just your face, Resembling the enemy of night, Here is all my faith, Devoted to your eyes, Engraved on me, your name, Your soul, your breaths, your life, I am now, the moon, A jewel of the sky, Only you snooze, I do, come alive, Standing be  Read More...

Published on Feb 13,2021 09:16 PM

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