Ramananda Caitanya Candra Das


I was born on September 3rd, 1985, in a suburban area of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, and my family relocated to Bangalore in 1988. I attended a Tamil medium primary school from 1990 to 1997, and from 1997 to 2000, I studied at an English medium school, Sathya Education Society in L.N.Puram, Bangalore. I completed the 7th to 10th standard with a 60% mark. After that, I studied physics, chemistry, mathematics, and electronics at Vivekananda College in Rajajinagar, Bangalore, up to the 2nd PUC Science level from 2000 to 2002. In 2003, I discovered Krishna Consciousness, also known as ISKCON, through attRead More...


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Influence of planets on our life

Books by Ramananda Caitanya Candra Das

The universe's planets have a significant influence on us every day. From the fiery sun that motivates us to work hard in the morning to the caring moon that supports us in the evening, we are constantly impacted. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Rahu, Saturn, Jupiter, and Ketu are just a few of the other planets that affect us. Thanks to organizations like ISRO and NASA, who conduct space research, we have benefited tremendously from technological advancements. 

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புயல் மற்றும் மழைக்கு காரணம்

Books by ராமானந்த சைதன்ய சந்திர தாஸ்

பூமிக்கு மிக அருகாமையில் இருக்கக்கூடிய கிரகம் ராகு, அதற்கடுத்தது சூரிய கிரகம் சூரியனுக்கு ஒரு லட்சம் யோஜனைகள் அதாவது 8 லட்சம் மைல்கள் மேலே சென்றால் சந்திர கிரகம் உள்ளது அ

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Mystic Perfections

Books by Ramananda Caitanya Candra Das

The Mystic Perfections achieved by actually successful yogis are 8 in number anima siddhi refers to the power by which one can become so small that he can enter into a stone modern scientific experiments enable us to enter into stone because they provide for Excavating so many Subways penetrating the hills Etc so anima siddhi the Mystic Perfection of trying to enter into stone has also been achieved by Material Science similarly all of the yoga siddhis or Perf

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Bhakthi and Shakthi

Books by Ramananda Caitanya Candra Das

What is Bhakthi, Bhakthi is on the stage of love, affection, devotion, and dependence on others without expectation of anything in return offering of love and devotion is bhakthi anything done to lord Krishna without expectation of anything in return is called bhakthi loving exchange. Bhakthi means to engage all your senses for the satisfaction of the proprietor of the senses. That is called bhakthi. 

Whatever Sakthi or Power lord Krishna has give

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சிறந்த குடும்பஸ்தர்

Books by ராமானந்த சைதன்ய சந்திர தாஸ்

ஒரு இளைஞன் திருமணத்திற்கு முன் ஒரு குருவின் கீழ் பிரம்மச்சாரியாக பயிற்சி பெற்றிருக்க வேண்டும்; அவர் குருவின் வழிகாட்டுதலின்படி செயல்பட வேண்டும் மற்றும் பக்திவினோத் தாக

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Meditation on Lord Krishna

Books by Ramananda

Lord Krishna has appeared in kali yuga in his sound form Srimad Bhagavata Purana is the literary incarnation of Lord Krishna Hare Krishna maha-mantra is the Sound incarnation Sabda Brahman by chanting the holy name of Lord Krishna we can overcome all kinds of disturbances in this world, kalipurusha is difficult to be defeated but it is easy to overcome his influence if we chant the holy name of lord Krishna, just like it is difficult to defeat Maya mama Maya d

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Vedic Education

Books by Ramananda Caitanya Candra Das

The Vedas were usually taught at gurukuls. Gurukul was a residential schooling system popular in ancient India. At the gurukul, all were considered equal. The guru (teacher) and shishya (students) lived in the same house or near each other. This relationship was considered sacred and no fee was taken from the students. Students typically attended the gurukul from age of 8 into their early twenties. At the end of their education, each student offered a guru Dak

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Books by Ramananda Caitanya Candra Das

An Ideal family man must be austere by raising early in the morning attending Mangal Arathi, Guru Puja, Chanting Japa, Following vows like Ekadashi Fasting, etc, he must give up Sinful activities like Meat-Eating, Gambling, Intoxication, Illicit Sex, etc.

An Ideal family man must protect and Guide Children in a proper way especially with respect to spiritual life. He must offer Pinda, Tarpana, Etc to his Forefathers. He should not be too much attached

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பக்தி மற்றும் சக்தி

Books by ராமானந்த சைதன்ய சந்திர தாஸ்

எதையுமே எதிர்பார்க்காமல் பகவான் கிருஷ்ணருக்கு அன்பு தொண்டு செய்வதுதான் பக்தி, எதையோ எதிர்பார்த்துச் செய்தால் அது பக்தியாகாது அது ஒரு கர்ம காண்ட செயல்பாடு வேதங்களில் கர்

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Introduction to Astrology

Books by Ramananda Caitanya Candra Das

Astrological predictions are based on Date, Time, Place of birth, those who don't have birth details should go for prasna or Horary astrology, there are also many systems called Palmistry-They will be reading your hand, right hand for males, left hand for females, Samudrika Lakshana-they will seeing you physical bodily feature that is your face, for predicting about your life. Astrology is one of the Vedangas it is part of Vedic culture as people where using i

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மந்திர தியானம்

Books by ராமானந்த சைதன்ய சந்திர தாஸ்

மந்திரம் என்றால் என்ன ? மஹாமந்திரம் என்றால் என்ன ?

மந்திரம் என்றால் மனதை விடுவிப்பது என்று பொருள், அதாவது "மன்" என்றால் மனதை குறிக்கும், திரா என்றால் விடுவிப்பது, மனதை அதன்

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Rule of Saintly Kings

Books by Ramananda Caitanya Candra Das

A kingdom, state, or empire must be governed under the instructions of saintly persons and brahmaṇas like the Kumaras. When monarchy ruled throughout the world, the monarch was actually directed by a board of brahmaṇas and saintly persons. The king, as the administrator of the state, executed his duties as a servant of the brahmaṇas. It was not that the kings or brahmaṇas were dictators, nor did they consider themselves proprietors of the state. The ki

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வெற்றிக்கு ரகசியம்

Books by ராமானந்தா சைதன்யா சந்திர தாஸ்

கிருஷ்ணர் 14 கிரக அமைப்புகளின் உரிமையாளர், அனைத்து பிரபஞ்சங்களுக்கும் உரிமையாளர், பிரபஞ்சத்தின் எஜமானர். நண்பர், கிருஷ்ணர் நாம் செய்யும் அனைத்து யாகம், தவம், விரதங்களையும்

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TIME Factor

Books by Ramananda Caitanya Candra Das

Time is so valuable one moment of time will not come back if you're ready to pay millions of dollars, so much important the time factor we should not waste our time on unnecessary topics. we should spend our time in self-discovery, understand the functions of this world, the creations of this world, the energy behind the cosmic creation, understand the Supreme Creator.

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Secret to Success

Books by Ramananda Caitanya Candra Das

You can serve lord Krishna in your own capacity you can engage everything in the service of Lord Krishna. If you have power. Wealth, engage it in Lord Krishna's service if you have ruling capacity. You rule according to Krishna’s instructions. If you have wealth you give to Krishna. If you have food grains you give them to Krishna if you have property,  cows, or any animals you can give them to Krishna. If you have skills, musical, artistic talent,

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Brahma Jnana and Tantra Jnana

Books by Ramaraj

So material world, there is a creation, there is a maintenance and there is destruction, but in the spiritual world, there is no creation, there is no destruction. It's always there. In the material world, there is three Kala, there is past, present, and future. But in the spiritual world, there is only one Kala that is present. Past, future is not there. In the spiritual world, there is only present. Lord Krishna is always youthful. Navayouvanam. So which mea

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