Nawneet Chettri

Lecturer and Author
Lecturer and Author


Fluid Mechanics 1

Books by Nawneet Chettri

The main motive of the author has been to explain each topic of the subject concerned in the simplest possible way he can, with particular focus on explaining the basic concepts with illustrations. Further, the question bank provided here is among the most diverse and thought provoking that I have ever seen. 

This book titled “Fluid Mechanics 1” is the first half of a two part book series on the subject. This book covers the Introducti

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Introduction to Earthquake Engineering

Books by Nawneet Chettri

Earthquakes are ubiquitous. This book attempts to help you understand how to protect your life and the lives of your loved ones by helping you create a house that can withstand earthquakes. This is an educational book written for technical  students of my college. The content is based on the syllabus followed in our region and the codes followed are Indian standard codes.If you are a reader from outside India, you will have to refer the code of your count

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