Neha Talele



Shiva Sangini

Books by Pritesha

Dive yourself into the breathtaking romance between the Princess of Kankhala, Sati, who was Shakti herself and the Greatest among Gods, Shiva, on the Mount of Kailash.

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The Eternal Transcendence

Books by Pritesha

It is a spiritual and cosmic understanding of all that exists within and without. It is in everything around, we live and breathe it. The conversations between Lord Shiva and Goddess Shakti are illuminating and make the concept of the divine masculine and divine feminine so easy to understand.

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Shiva Shakti

Books by Pritesha

The mesmerizing journey of pure love between God and His dearest devotee, who only because of her unconditional love and supreme surrender, got the privilege of getting the purest place on the left half of His divine body when the Lord Himself accepted her as His beloved wife. Gauri, from an ordinary human being became a Goddess and His Shakti, solely through the Intensity of her love for Lord Shiva! Because nothing else is True other than Him... It is really

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Shri Krishna's Complete Teachings

Books by Neha Talele

In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna explains to Arjuna his duties as a warrior and prince and elaborates on different Yogic and Vedantic philosophies, whereas in Uddhava Gita, Lord Krishna explains to his friend and devotee, Uddhava, about spirituality, religion, code of conduct for various classes of society and stages of life, supremacy of devotion, different paths to enlightenment, mind as a root cause of all miseries and many other similar topics.


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