Suman kumar

Publication Writer Community
Publication Writer Community

This EK SHAYAR KE BATE Publication House Presents that those who do not get the chance know. To bring his skills in front of the world so that he can move ahead from this stage. That is our only aim.Read More...


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श्री राम निज धाम

Books by भानु देवी

कृपा सिंधु भगवान श्री राम को मुगलों ने कर दिया था विस्थापित। बना डाली थी मस्जिद ।बहुत मशक्कत से पुन: जन्म भूमि हासिल और उस पर मंदिर निर्माण से, दुनिया में खुशियों की लहर।वही खुशी

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बरसात: एक प्रेम कथा

Books by एक शायर की बाते

यह एंथोलोजी "एक शायर कि बातें प्रकाशन गृह" द्वारा प्रकाशित की गई है जिसमे 39 सह लेखकों के भावनाओं को प्रकासित किया गया है । किताब के नाम के अनुसार “बरसात : एक प्रेम कथा” में लेखको

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म से माँ तक

Books by मो. आबिद सिद्दीकी

मुझे यह जानकर बड़ी प्रसन्नता का अनुभूति हो रही है कि मो० आबिद जी की पुस्तक म से माँ तक का प्रकाशन हो रहा है। मैंने पुस्तक की प्रतियो को प्रारम्भ से अन्त तक पढ़ा है। निश्चित रूप से

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"Canvas of Emotions: Unleashing the Colours of Emotion Through Poetry" is a captivating book that beautifully captures the depth of human emotions through the art of poetry. It takes you on a journey of self-discovery, where each poem is like a brushstroke on a canvas, painting a vivid picture of friendship, love, nature, joy, and everything in between. Get ready to be moved and inspired by the power of words and emotions!

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जागृत शब्द

Books by विजयलक्ष्मी भारद्वाज

मैं (विजयलक्ष्मी)अपनी कविता साहित्य पुस्तक ( जागृत शबद) में लोगों को समाज के प्रति जागरूक के शब्दों में पिरोकर लाई हूं। इसमें मेरी लिखी हुई 50 के करीब कविताएं हैं।जो नारियों पर हो

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Books by प्रिन्सी शाह

इस एंथोलोजी को "प्रिंसी शाह" के द्वारा संकलित किया है । और इसमें उनकी सहायक ‘वैष्णवी जी’ है | जो की ' एक शायर की बाते पब्लिकेशन ' द्वारा प्रकाशित की गई है जिसमे 20 सह लेखकों के भाव

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शिशु गान

Books by हरिश्चन्द्र त्रिपाठी 'हरीश'

मैं "हरिश्चन्द्र त्रिपाठी'हरीश; प्रस्तुत पुस्तक "शिशु गान" आप सब को प्रस्तुत करते हुए अपार प्रसन्नता की सुखद अनुभूति कर रहा हूॅ। इस पुस्तक में मैंने शिशु की जिज्ञासा को गीत के मा

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दो घूंट जिंदगी के

Books by आकाश सिंह राठौर

ये जिंदगी की कुछ यादें है जिन्हें में पन्नों में पिरो रहा हूं। मैं ये तो नहीं जानता हूं कि अपने इनमें से कितनी यादें जी होगी । ये जरूर जनता हूं कि आप मेरी यादों से इत्तफाक रखेगें ।

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Books by सुमन कुमार

"हसरतें" हिंदी कविताओं का संग्रह,‌ शानदार कलात्मकता प्राकृतिक परिणाम के लिए तैयार की गई भाषा और शिल्प है। यहाँ प्रेम कविताएँ, दर्द और तड़प कविताएँ, याद कवितायेँ और कवि की कुछ इच

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Love for writing is for those who can express their feelings by ink but not by sayings. It is an open theme anthology for those who are made for writing. Just as a painter express his imagination with the colours, a writer does with his quill. Writing is love. Love for writing.

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Story of Shri Durga Navratri fast which fulfills one's wishes and achieves the desired results. In simple language, this Navratri fast is the one who fulfills all the wishes and is the creator of children and wealth. It frees the imprisoned man from prison and gives child to the barren woman and frees her from all the sins. Provide happiness and peace by providing liberation.

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Hidden Memories

Books by Bijayalaxmi Nath

Hidden Memories - Hidden Memories are the way to live the life once again in feelings. Whenever the procession of laughing, crying, tickling memories comes to our mind, it refreshes the old times and things related to it. Hidden memories are such that remembering them alone we smile, but some memories are such that tears come to our eyes. Many people believe that when experiences are too painful or difficult to face, they end up tucked into the unseen corners

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पिता- जीवन के आधार स्तंभ

Books by शीतल त्रिपाठी

पिता के पास एक अंतर्निहित शक्ति है जो उनके प्यार और अटूट समर्थन से उत्पन्न होती है।  वे स्थिर हाथ हैं जो ठोकर लगने पर अपने बच्चों को थाम लेते हैं, शांत आवाज़ हैं जो चुनौतीपूर्ण स

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This anthology has been compiled by "Madhav Ji". And his assistant in this is 'Vaishnavi ji'. Which has been published by 'Ek Shayar Ki Baate Publication' in which the sentiments of 40 co-authors have been published. According to the name of the book, the feelings of the authors have been expressed in "Dream vs Reality", which in some way describes their circumstances, their dreams as well as their reality. In the theme of this book, 'Thinking about life has b

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Books by अमरजीत सिंह (सेंटी)

पुस्तकें विचारों, ज्ञान और सूचनाओं को साझा करने का प्राथमिक माध्यम हैं। इसलिए, मैं अपनी छिपी हुई प्रतिभा और ज्ञान के बारे में लोगों को जागरूक करने के लिए अपनी लिखित कविताओं का प्

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Books by Anukrati Solanki

Books are an important part of our life. They are the stepping stones towards knowledge. We are invariably dependent on books at every stage of our lives, be it in physical or digital form. "The purpose of this book is also that we should live our life in a unique way".

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This book consists of 30 amazing writers who have contributed their different thoughts in the form of poetry, article, short stories, quote and much more. The meaning of the poem was obscure yet obvious in its emotional depth. obscure obvious" can convey a layered or nuanced meaning, often suggesting that something may appear simple or straightforward on the surface but holds deeper, less evident complexities. It's a way of highlighting the hidden depths withi

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अमौर प्रॉपर आत्म मुक्ति

Books by डॉ ऋतू गुप्ता

लेखिका, एक सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता और एक परामर्शदाता होने के नाते, समाज में कायम सकारात्मक भावनाओं के कुछ अंधेरे पक्षों को प्रतिबिंबित करने का प्रयास किया है। विषाक्त वातावरण किसी

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The Power of Positive Attitude

Books by Rupali Kumari Mahanand

This book based on the power of a positive attitude with the positive mindset. Having a positive attitude means being optimistic about situations, interactions, and yourself. People with positive attitudes remain hopeful and see the best even in difficult situations.Hopefully this book will help people to be positive and positive think.

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आओ अक्षर के गुण गायें

Books by हरिश्चन्द्र त्रिपाठी 'हरीश',

प्रस्तुत पुस्तक बाल सुलभ भावनाओं को दृष्टिगत करके लिखी गई है। जो वर्णमाला के प्रत्येक अक्षर से सम्बन्धित जानकारी देते हुए भारतीय संस्कृति के अनुपालन में जीवन को सीख देने का गि

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Pre-teens Souvenir

Books by Suman Kumar

This anthology has been compiled by "Suman Kumar". Which has been published by 'Ek Shayar Ki Baate Publication' in which the sentiments of 20 co-authors have been published. According to the name of the book, the feelings of the authors have been expressed in "  Pre - teens souvenir", which in some way also describes their circumstances. That's why we have kept the theme of this book as "emotion, trust feelings" because people keep there feeling express i

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मै और मेरे जज्बात

Books by अलीशा मेराज खान

मेरी कविताएं ही मेरा आईना है, जो देखती हूं, जो महसूस करती हूं बस उनको ही लफ्जो में पिरोने का काम करती हूं। अलग अलग विषयों पे लिखना पसंद है इसलिए मेरी किताब में आपको आपके जीवन से जुड

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माय इमेजिनेशन मेरी कल्पना

Books by शिवांगी जैन

पढ़ने में जो रुचिकर लगे ऐसा लिखने का प्रयास किया है, पढ़ते पढ़ते चेहरे पे मुस्कुराहट ज़रूर आयेगी। किताबों को पढ़ने से मन को सुकून मिलता है और ज्ञान भी बढ़ता है। किताब से अच्छा को

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The Secret Friendship


This anthology has been compiled by "Pooja Gupta". Which has been published by 'Ek Shayar Ki Baate Publication' in which the sentiments of 30 co-authors have been published. According to the name of the book, the feelings of the authors have been expressed in "the secret friendship", which in some way also describes their circumstances. That's why we have kept the theme of this book as "emotion, friendship trust" because people keep their love suppressed in th

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आज़ाद परिंदे

Books by सोना सिन्हा

"आज़ाद परिंदे" इस किताब में हर लेखक और लेखिका ने अपने जज़्बातों को व्यक्त करने की कोशिश किए हैं। आशा करती हूं ये "आज़ाद परिंदे" आप सबको पसंद आए और आज़ाद लेखक एवम लेखिका बनने का प्रे

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Penning Emotions

Books by Alvin Mark.r & Suman Kumar

Discover the rich tapestry of human emotions woven through the pages of "Penning Emotions," a captivating anthology that transcends boundaries of language, culture, and genre. This literary masterpiece brings together an array of voices, offering a unique fusion of English, Hindi, and Hinglish prose, poetry, short stories, tales, and quotes.

In this literary journey, authors from diverse backgrounds and perspectives pour their hearts onto the page, emb

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Happy Independence Day

Books by Ek Shayar Ke Bate

Independence Day is celebrated annually on 15 August in India commemorating the nation's independence from the United Kingdom on 15 August 1947, the day when the provisions of the Indian Independence Act.

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Books by Ek Shayar Ke Bate

"GOLD SEAL - NEW EDITION - 04" is an Daily Challenge Monthly English book by 'Ek Shayar Ke Bate' Publication. Many authors beautifully penned their thoughts and emotions on 'Love' based theme. 'Love'-4 letter word but thousand words are less to express it. The name of the book itself says that a person in Gold Seal always stays lost in the daily challenge of their loved one's. This book contains poems and stories based on daily challenge. We hope that this Mag

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जीवन का आधार

Books by सोनाली चक्रवर्ती

ये जीवन का आधार किताब जिंदगी के कुछ पहलुओं से जुड़ी हुई है हमारे जीवन में बचपन से लेकर आजतक में जितने भी किस्से या घटनाए हुई है जो हमनें अपने जीवन में महसूस किया है वो सब कविताएं क

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Books by Zainab Hans & Suman Kumar

Fragrance is the anthology which is based on the positive side of everything. One can pass the day with cries for what he/she is not having. On the other hand, someone enjoys the day with gratitude for everything he/she has. 
Fragrance encourages the readers to live the life by considering the postive side for everything which is one of the basic thing for happy living.

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स्वर्ण मुद्रिका संस्करण - 04

Books by एक शायर की बाते

" स्वर्ण मुद्रिका"संस्करण - 04 ' एक शायर की बाते' पब्लिकेशन की ओर से एक डेली चैलेंज मंथली इंग्लिश बुक है। अन्य लेखकों ने 'प्रेम' पर आधारित विषय पर अपने विचारों और भावनाओं को खूबसूरती स

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Books by वैष्णवी राय और स्वाति कुमारी

इस एंथोलोजी को "वैष्णवि राय" के द्वारा संकलित किया है । जो की ' एक शायर की बाते पब्लिकेशन ' द्वारा प्रकाशित की गई है जिसमे 20  सह लेखकों के भावनाओं को प्रकासित किया गया है । किताब

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You & Me

Books by Salman Ali

This book is an open-themed book compiled by Salman Ali and our lovely co-authors shared their pieces of writing in various disciplines. They have inked their versed

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Love - A Desire

Books by Divyansh Pathak

In the pages of this book, you will travel through the myriad vagaries of human emotion. Love, which is essential in everyone's life, love in which the feeling of pain, joy, and sorrow merges. So write with these feelings. As you turn each page of this book, you will find moments of self-discovery, deep feelings of empathy, and possibilities of inspiration. Will face.

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जीवन के मार्गदर्शक

Books by काजल कुमारी

इस पुस्तक का उद्देश्य है लोगों को उनके जीवन के मार्गदर्शन से अवगत करवाना , हमारे जीवन में कई लोग मार्गदर्शन की भूमिका निभाते हैं लेकिन हम उनके बारे में नहीं जानते हैं न हीं हमें क

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मेरी प्रिय कविताएं

Books by संगीता कुमारी

मेरी प्रिय कविताएं एक संकलन पुस्तक है, जिसमे कई प्रकार के कविताओं का उल्ललेख किया गया है। इन सभी कविताओं को बड़ी ही खूबसूरती से लिखा गया है। आशा करते है आपको ये पुस्तक जरूर पसंद आ

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Happy Father's Day Papa

Books by Ek Shayar Ke Bate

Dad, you are a real hero to me. You are the one who pushed me to be strong. Thank you, Dad. I love you Dad.

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Muhafiz Kon

Books by Saira Mubeen

When a girlwas born, her father said to take care of my honor. When she started going to school, her brother said to take care of my honor. When she got married,her husband said to take care of my honor. When she started going to the market. Son said, mother take care of my honor. I thought.  Honor is a woman whose responsibility Allah has entrusted to a man, not to a father, a son, a brother, a husband.  They say take care, i say she don't need them

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Alfaazon Ka Karwaan

Books by Sheetal Tripathi

Our words are the most powerful thing in the world. If we captivate someone's mind with our words, then we hurt someone's mind l. We can express our feelings very well with the help of words. I hope that after reading this book all of you readers will experience each others feelings.

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Points Of Life

Books by Rupali Mahanand & Vaisnavi Rai

For some people, the purpose of life may be to make the world a better place. Others may believe that the point of life is to find and achieve personal fulfillment. And some may feel that the point of life is simply to enjoy it as much as possible.

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Mera Swabhimani Bharat

Books by Zainab Hans & Suman Kumar

Mera Swabhimani Bharat is a book about ‘Women empowerment’. If we look at this broadly, since time immemorial, women have made achievements that were unexpected and many times more than man. We have heard the quote that God gives problems according to the person’s ability to survive through it. And hence, God gave the power of maternity to women and not to men. Women were never weak to be empowered. So something that has to be changed is the

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Happy Mother's Day Maa

Books by Ek Shayar Ke Bate

Happy mother's day maa. This book is based on Mother's love. Because Mother's love is the most beautiful feeling in the world. Which keeps two people together with a belief. And considering each other's trouble as his own, he dares to face it.The mother who always loves her children the most. So a small gift for our mother too.

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Ek Kahani Aisi Bhi

Books by Swati Kumari

A story as well. This book is based on love. Because love is the most beautiful feeling in the world. Which keeps two people together with a belief. And considering each other's trouble as his own, he dares to face it.

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Jajbaton ki Udan

Books by Shalu & Vaisnavi Rai

This anthology is compiled by "Shalu and Vasnavi rai". This has been published by ‘Ek Shayar Ke Bate Publication’, in which the sentiments of 30 co-authors have been published.According to the name of the book, "Flight of Emotions" the feelings of the writers have been expressed, which have also been told about their circumstances.

That's why we have kept the theme of this book "love" because people keep their love suppressed in their feeli

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प्रकृति एक जादुई पिटारा एडिशन - ०४

Books by सुमन कुमार

प्रकृति हैं। जुदाई पिटारा कलयुग में अपराध का बढ़ा अब इतना प्रकोप उनको रोको वरना ख़तम हो गएगा धरती माँ की कोख आज फिर से काँप उठी
देखो धरती माता की कोख |

मानव के जीवन में उसके अस्त

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Kavita Sangraha

Books by Sona Sinha

This collection of poems has been compiled by the book "Sona Sinha", this book has a series of writers and writers, in this book everyone has expressed their feelings and experiences through poetry. All the writers and head of publication "Suman Kumar Thakur" are heartily saluted by "Sona Sinha". I hope they will be delighted to read this book.

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Books by Ek Shayar Ke Bate

"GOLD SEAL - NEW EDITION - 03" is an Daily Challenge Monthly English book by 'Ek Shayar Ke Bate' Publication. Many authors beautifully penned their thoughts and emotions on 'Love' based theme. 'Love'-4 letter word but thousand words are less to express it. The name of the book itself says that a person in Gold Seal always stays lost in the daily challenge of their loved one's. This book contains poems and stories based on daily challenge. We hope that this Mag

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स्वर्ण मुद्रिका संस्करण - 03

Books by एक शायर की बाते

" स्वर्ण मुद्रिका"संस्करण - 03 ' एक शायर की बाते' पब्लिकेशन की ओर से एक डेली चैलेंज मंथली इंग्लिश बुक है। अन्य लेखकों ने 'प्रेम' पर आधारित विषय पर अपने विचारों और भावनाओं को खूबसूरती स

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Dear Diary

Books by Sangeeta Kumari

Dear Diary is an anthology book.This book is open Diary of everyone's thoughts that they hold in their heart and soul and never ever poured it out.So we can say that, this book we provide everyone a free diary to open their thoughts, regrets, secrets and many more wishes they stored in their heart.One thing we should learn is that difficulty is a stepping stone or a hurdle in life.It teaches us the real meaning of love and life. It deals with a lot of emotiona

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The Heart of Voice

Books by Sonam Gupta & Vaishnavi Rai

"The Heart Of Voice"
This anthology has been compiled by Sonam Gupta and Vaishnavi Rai.
The words of a poet have been published by ek shayar ke bate Publication House. In which the sentiments of 30 co-authors have been published. According to the name of the book, “The heart of voice” has expressed its feelings through the poems of the co-authors. Hope all the readers who are reading this book will like our effort.

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Love jihadi issues

Books by Rupali Mahanand & Prakash Kumar Yadaw

Love zihad mamle is linked to religion but this is not a religion, it is a thought of cheapest mindset people, who misleading the youth in a wrong direction. It can be happen to anyone in any religion. That's why don't be misled by someone's affairs.

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स्वर्ण मुद्रिका संस्करण - 02

Books by एक शायर की बाते

"स्वर्ण मुद्रिका भाग्य - 02 "  ' एक शायर की बाते' पब्लिकेशन की ओर से एक डेली चैलेंज मंथली इंग्लिश बुक है। 16 लेखकों ने 'प्रेम' पर आधारित विषय पर अपने विचारों और भावनाओं को खूबसूरती से ल

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Books by Ek Shayar Ke Bate

"GOLD SEAL EDITION - 02" is an Daily Challenge Monthly English book by 'Ek Shayar Ke Bate' Publication. Many authors beautifully penned their thoughts and emotions on 'Love' based theme. 'Love'-4 letter word but thousand words are less to express it. The name of the book itself says that a person in Gold Seal always stays lost in the daily challenge of their loved one's. This book contains poems and stories based on daily challenge. We hope that this Magazine

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Culture Vs Modernity

Books by Janvi Choudhury

The author, being a Social Activist, has tried to reflect on some of the dark side of positive vibes, persistent in the Society.

This book cover some dark side of our society as well as the positive scenario, of our tradition and ethos of our society, our culture. Life is short but you can live your life every day, every morning. After all Sun also teaches us “Sunset also beautiful, at end”. The book is an attempt to push you from path of n

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स्वर्ण मुद्रिका

Books by एक शायर की बाते

"स्वर्ण मुद्रिका" ' एक शायर की बाते' पब्लिकेशन की ओर से एक डेली चैलेंज मंथली इंग्लिश बुक है। 16 लेखकों ने 'प्रेम' पर आधारित विषय पर अपने विचारों और भावनाओं को खूबसूरती से लिखा है। 'प्र

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Books by Ek Shayar Ke Bate

"GOLD SEAL" is an Daily Challenge Monthly English book by 'Ek Shayar Ke Bate' Publication. 16 authors beautifully penned their thoughts and emotions on 'Love' based theme. 'Love'-4 letter word but thousand words are less to express it. The name of the book itself says that a person in Gold Seal always stays lost in the daily challenge of their loved one's. This book contains poems and stories based on daily challenge. We hope that this Magazine catches attenti

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खामोश जज्बात

Books by वैष्णवी राय

"खामोश जस्बात" इस एंथोलोजी को वैष्णवी राय के द्वारा संकलित किया है । जो की ' एक शायर की बाते पब्लिकेशन ' द्वारा प्रकाशित की गई है जिसमे 30 सह लेखकों के भावनाओं को प्रकासित किया गया है

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Dosti Or Pyar

Books by Rupali Kumari Mahanand

A friend is one who knows but lover anyway, people want to be heard and want to be love friendship makes a life even more deeply then love. Is it possible for a friendship to turn into love? Can friends become lovers? This is probably one of the first thought that come to your mind. Whatever it is, but nothing is better than friendship or love relationship.

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दिल दोस्ती और प्यार

Books by सुमन कुमार

दिल दोस्ती और प्यार आपको और “dil dosti or pyaar सभी के बारे में एक बेहतरीन चर्चा करेंगे। दोस्तों दिल दोस्ती और प्यार अगर सच्चा हो तो दुनिया में आपको को किसी की जरुरत नहीं होगी। आपको हमेश

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Books by Suman Kumar

He is the most divine among all the gods. Also known as “Maha Dev', or greatest god, worshipping Lord Shiva brings prosperity, wealth, health and calms the mind. Lord Shiva is called as "Mahadev" in light of the fact that they are God of gods.

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Books by Ek Shayar Ke Bate

This is not just a book or just a picture book. This is a beautiful gift on can give to their loved one . It's a feeling which you felt and we pour through heart. This book will help you to connnect with your beloved .From the first to the last page you will be able to connect each and every lines. Let's fall in love again and get lost in those memories of love. From first meeting to the 1000 of memories together.Just gift this beautiful "LOVE BOOK" and captur

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Things of mind

Books by Suman Kumar

Your words are the one who could be in a equal clash or challenge with the roaring swords. One after the other may signifies your strength when you pour them on the edge of inks droplets. Might be this isn't a chance to change the average avenge of differentiates reforms. "Things Of Mind" under Ek Shayar Ke Bate Publication House is a combination of mixed feelings penned by a co-operative team of 21 co-authors, we present you a variations of different genres a

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Some Unfulfilled Desires

Books by Ruchi Verma

"SOME UNFULFILLED DESIRES" is an anthology compiled by Ruchi Verma under Ek Shayar Ke Bate Publication. Nineteen co-authors beautifully penned their overwhelmed emotions on theme 'Love'.

Love is not only affection or a caring between humans. Love is spread over the world. Some was very fond of nature. Somehow, they feel some attraction and the caring from nature. Like this, the love was spread all over the world widely. Loving all as we love our own se

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Books by Jasnak Adnan Abdul Muqeet And Mohammed Niyaz

A visionary leadership is a needed ones for all the improvised visions of all. Yet you could barely achieve the success from the tossed outcome of re-informs. Take up the call and bring in the best of being well played, well portrayed chapters of yours. "The Accidental Author" under Ek Shayar Ke Bate Publication House is a combination of mixed feelings penned by a co-operative team of 32 co-authors, we present you a variations of different genres as well taste

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Books by Jasnak Adnan Abdul Muqeet Mohammed Niyaz

Your words are the one who could be in a equal clash or challenge with the roaring swords. One after the other may signifies your strength when you pour them on the edge of inks droplets. Might be this isn't a chance to change the average avenge of differentiates reforms. "The Judgemental Author" under Ek Shayar Ke Bate Publication House is a combination of mixed feelings penned by a co-operative team of 30 co-authors, we present you a variations of different

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Books by Priyanka Jalasutram

"THE LOVE" is an anthology compiled by Priyanka Jalasutram under 'Ek Shayar Ke Bate' Publication. 32 Co-authors beautifully penned their thoughts and emotions on 'Love' based theme. Love is not a word to say. It is a trust that you never want to break, it is a promise that you never want to leave which you feel from your heart.  The Love is an emotion of feelings that share a bond of togetherness to live a love life. This book contains poems and stories b

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Books by Yasmin Aamir Ameen And Mohammed Niyaz

Failures or success related to something beautiful adventures can make us quite stubborn. Here few equivalent terms and conditions can be co relatively termed as an right reclamation. Continuing in excellence through mistakes may bring skies in the surrounds of in built creation. "Lessons Learnt" under Ek Shayar Ke Bate Publication House is a combination of mixed feelings penned by a co-operative team of 31 co-authors, we present you a variations of different

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Books by Ka. Parinasri And Mohammed Niyaz

Roof Of The Elders Paradise

You have all those relations who might support you on each of your lives stages. Up on those who needs them needs to be blessed once a time for a survival. Yet for those who tends to be a part of a blessed root is the long running winner of all the good times. "Roof Of The Elders Paradise" under Ek Shayar Ke Bate Publication House is a combination of mixed feelings penned by a co-operative team of 52 co-authors, we present y

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आधुनिक नारी

Books by महिपाल सोलंकी

आधुनिक युग की नारी ने अपने जीवन में विभिन्न नए विचार एवम परिवर्तन अपनाए है । नारी ने स्वयं के साथ साथ अपनों को भी सहेज कर निखारा है । 
ये सब देखकर हमारा भी फर्ज़ बनता है कि हम नार

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Books by Ka. Parinasri And Mohammed Niyaz

Initials of two best souls were written for the most successful stores within. A harsh breakup that took acclaims between them light up on the source. Credentials re written for loss of time un til minutes of phrasing seconds. "Partially Yours" under Ek Shayar Ke Bate Publication House is a combination of mixed feelings penned by a co-operative team of 52 co-authors, we present you a variations of different genres as well taste of feelings hidden under the tru

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Books by Radiya Alirajpurwala And Hatim Rampurawala

"Lost in your thoughts" is an anthology compiled by Radiya Alirajpurwala and Hatim Rampurawala under 'Ek Shayar Ke Bate' Publication. 48 Co-authors beautifully penned their thoughts and emotions on 'Love' based theme. 'Love'-4 letter word but thousand words are less to express it. The name of the book itself says that a person in true love always stays lost in the thought of their loved one's. This book contains poems and stories based on LOVE. We hope that th

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Books by Berdhisha P And Mohammed Niyaz

A heading or an underlined words can't be imagine without their presence in the single equation. But right up on the time of clause, we can take the acclaimation to the hints. Leisure or something which is the sole purpose through connected terms of an successful writers. "The Headlines Of Co-Author" under Ek Shayar Ke Bate Publication House is a combination of mixed feelings penned by a co-operative team of 30 co-authors, we present you a variations of differ

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Books by Hatim Rampurawala & Berdhisha P

"Never Felt So Loved" is an anthology compiled by Hatim Rampurawala and Berdhisha P under Ek Shayar Ke Bate Publication. Forty-one co-authors beautifully penned their overwhelmed emotions on theme 'Love'.

Love is not only affection or a caring between humans. Love is spread over the world. Some was very fond of nature. Somehow they feel some attraction and the caring from nature. Like this, the love was spread all over the world widely. Loving all as w

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Ek Aur Haqeeqat

Books by Sana Shaikh And Mohammed Niyaz

With several tries we grew up hiding a of our lies under bunches of roots. You being the one of the best friend of those liars, can be succeeded in the most dreadful tossed evidences. So clauses may be the one's lying besides your so called truth defamed. "Ek Aur Haqeeqat" under Ek Shayar Ke Bate Publication House is a combination of mixed feelings penned by a co-operative team of 61 co-authors, we present you a variations of different genres as well taste of

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Dill Ke Alfaaz

Books by Suman Kumar

DIll ke alfaaz is an anthology compiled by Mr suman kuamr. This anthology consists of different kind of write us such as poems, stories, quotations and shayaris from different part of India. There are write us of forty authors including the compiler. This anthology is based on heart of people due to different reasons. The heartbreaks that gave the U - turn to their lives and gave them a huge lesson. This book is completely fictional. Nothing is harmed in this

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Harmonic Ardour

Books by Jerlin Flower S And Aathisha John Kennady

About The Book

"Harmonic Ardour" is a journey that takes the readers for a ride through the up and downs of the musical note. The co-authors have given their subject in all genres, and they especially have written about the nature and love which is associated with music.

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The Broken Soul

Books by Pratyasha Priyambada


The Broken Soul is an anthology compiled by Miss Pratyasha Priyambada. This anthology consists of different kind of write ups such as poems, stories, quotations and shayaris from different part of India. There are write ups of forty four authors including the compiler. This anthology is based on heartbreaks of people due to different reasons. The heartbreaks that gave the U - turn to their lives and gave them a huge lesson. This book is

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प्रकृति-एक जादुई पिटारा

Books by सुमन कुमार

प्रकृति हैं। जुदाई पिटारा कलयुग में अपराध का बढ़ा अब इतना प्रकोप उनको रोको वरना ख़तम हो गएगा धरती माँ की कोख आज फिर से काँप उठी
देखो धरती माता की कोख |

मानव के जीवन में उसके अस्त

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Keep Faith in Yourself

Books by Bhrigu Soni

KEEP FAITH IN YOURSELF  consist of English as well as Hindi Write-up written by Fifty-Seven talented writers. This  book is purely consist of different thinking of different writer. This book contains write-up of different writers from all over the world especially from INDIA.  The main message that this book and title of this book conveys that each and every soul must have faith in themselves and should have confidence in each and every step ta

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Books by Sonal Prajapati


Detached love is loving the other exactly as he or she is, while also knowing that at any time the nature of the relationship could change. The beloved doesn't belong to the other. The lovers choose each other each moment. Again and again, each day that they're together, they wake up and choose each other.

DETACHED LOVE is compiled by  SONAL PRAJAPATI under Ek Shayar ke Bate Publications,This anthology is a collection of

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Silent Love

Books by Alvin Mark R And Suman Kumar

Silent Love, With your deep hearts consists of English as well as Hindi poetries of different writers. “Silent Love, With your deep hearts” is defined as the best and the most beautiful things in the world which cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt within the heart. It also shows that Love is not between a man and a woman but it is between two beautiful hearts and no beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart. This book contains

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Epitome of Beauty

Books by Suman Kumar

Epitome of beauty consists of English as well as Hindi poetries of different writers. “epitome of beauty” is defined as the best and the most beautiful things in the world which cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt within the heart. It also shows that Love is not between a man and a woman but it is between two beautiful hearts and no beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart. This book contains write up of different co-authors f

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Books by हंसिका परमार तथा हिंदवी स्वर वर्तिका

"ख्वाहिशें" नामक यह किताब प्रत्येक व्यक्ति की ख्वाहिशों को दर्शाती नज़र आ रही है। हर व्यक्ति की कुछ ख्वाहिशें होती है जिसे पूरा करना उसका सपना बन जाता है। "ख्वाहिशें" कुछ पूरी हो

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The Open Word

Books by Alvin Mark. R

About the book

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." As said in John 1:1, the word is God. In this anthology, you will seek the open word of God through many writers. God is the main author of this book since he made many writers write about his word. 

Writers from different parts of the world have written their testimony, witness and praises to the almighty God. This book covers the beautiful la

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Adira Warriors

Books by Reema Biswas And Suman Kumar

Adira Warrior which is compiled by Ms Reema Biswas and Mr Suman Kumar is an anthology consisting of poetry, stories and quotes. The anthology is completed because of our best authors and they belong all over India. The anthology is based on the strong Warriors including common people who are willing to help others in any way. Adira means strong which is related to everyone's life but the book conveys the message to all Indians that we are strong and never give

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Blossoms Creased

Books by Lavanya Naidu And Suman Kumar

Blossom creased presents a variance of thoughts through different writers from around India.
This anthology is the open book theme where writers have generated their thoughts in different categories to spout their feelings .

Everyone in this anthology around India has tried to put and convey their awful message through Poetry.

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Books by Alvin Mark.r

About the book :

‘‘Witness of joie’’ is a collection of narrative poems, prose, short stories, quotes, and many more. The word ‘‘Joie’’ means Joy. So the meaning of the title is ‘‘witness of joy’’. Like the title, the readers can witness the joy through the hands of many writers across the world. 

This anthology contains many writeups on the open theme and open genre,

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A Glimpse of Hope

Books by Chanchal Garg

Words have the power to influence the mind and change the world. Optimism can be spread through this medium to make the world a better place. Being positive is important, especially in these times of despair, and optimism can be a real motivator for everyone. But the question is, if this sense of hopefulness will be triumphant or not. 

This book is a compilation of such poetries that have the power to inspire positivity and optimism. Written by nu

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Books by Lavanya Naidu

A Rising Star present a range of poetry of different writers all around India. This anthology is based on the girls power, different writers tried to pour their feelings . All the young writers around India have tried to convey the beautiful message from their poetry.
Biography of the poets provide a requisite  background to their lives and their poetic creation.

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