Dinesh Malokar

Public Speaker, Coach, Mentor, Author
Public Speaker, Coach, Mentor, Author


The Slumdog Leader

Books by Dinesh Malokar

“The Slumdog Leader” is a life story of a young boy named 'John' from a small town who was an average student. However, he developed many qualities once he got an opportunity to join the corporate world. He used many tricks and tips to overcome different problems that his organization confronted during various stages of operations. He used multiple strategies and emerged as a solution provider from the simplest to the most complex issues on numerou

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Books by Dinesh Malokar

50 Commands in this book are the 50 strategies which will help you to weave your influence on people. The book speaks about how you can become one of the most influential personalities and a successful corporate leader. Every chapter in this book articulates about some new learning and quality, a person must possess and develop to become an influential leader to create an impact on the lives of people. Every lesson is unique with clarity of every concept. 

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