Aarchi Advani Saini.!

Aarchi is a 20-year-old Indian girl with big dreams. If you ever meet her, you can observe it by seeing the spark in her eyes. Her Journey from an ordinary girl to a young Author.
Aarchi is a 20-year-old Indian girl with big dreams. If you ever meet her, you can observe it by seeing the spark in her eyes. Her Journey from an ordinary girl to a young Author.

Aarchi was born in India on 25th March 2002, the daughter of Sanjeev  Advani Saini and his wife Mamta Saini.She becomes one of the youngest author of the hometown Shamli. So renowned for "The loads of poetry). She has sold the book worldwide, the recipient of numerous prestigious awards in her writing journey. She writes daily columns syndicated throughout the world. Aarchi Advani Saini is well known for her writing on many other platforms. And overthrowing mankind. She is also a fantasy and literature fiction author specializing in "anjaan ajnabi". The aarchi advani saini, also hosts a chanRead More...


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The cryptic dream

Books by Aarchi Advani Saini

The dreams were strange but also warm... They loved their nights because of that dreams... They didn't tell anyone about that thinking it was just dreams... They had many others to interest than the daily dreams and that unforgettable, complicated dream... But who knows...? Is that reality or just a cryptic dream....?

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Tape a tale

Books by Aarchi Advani Saini

Can we call it a love story? No, it's fairer being a nameless tale. "Tape a tale." By aarchi advani. It is a fictional story. A kind of fairy tale. Hope you will enjoy.

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The Loads of Poetry Part 3

Books by Aarchi Advani Saini

Lost Myself in finding you

Losing you was a matter of luck

you were not destined to stay with me

And I had to digest the fact that not

every story has a beautiful end, you see

Least did I know that i had already united

with you from the soul, my heart and mind

And now, it's so difficult for me to get that when

I lost you, it's like I lost my soul, now hard to find

Every of my heartbeat

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Books by Aarchi Advani Saini

if you ever fall in love with a writer, please run away. as if you stay, oh, darling if you stay, every utterance, every action, every blunder, every memory, every grief, every tear, every lesson, every word, every scar, will always be remembered, and never, ever, neglected. if you stay, you will soon be struggling with yourself in the middle of the night, as that's all we are good at, messing things up. that's all we will ever be good at, annihilating thing

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How I met my Believe..??

Books by Aarchi Advani Saini

I couldn’t believe my own eyes for what I am seeing. She is the most beautiful person I have ever seen and somehow, I felt that I would fight anyone to keep her protected.

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Books by Aarchi Advani Saini

Anyways, I realized why fantasies are meant to remain fantasies. It is better to imagine never-going-to-happen scenarios rather than to have them come true in reality. Too dangerous fantasies could be traumatic to handle in real life!

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Books by Aarchi Advani Saini

This is an example how humans used fear to survive for such a long period. If you want to succeed, fear the outcome. The fear will drive to use all in your arsenal to ensure your win. This theory is even similar like Yerkes and Dodson law. Fear is the primal instinct of all lives, which can be used as a great weapon both for good and bad. In modern world, we shall use it for good.

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Books by Aarchi Advani Saini

It's not always easy to become an author, sometimes life is rewinding itself, and it's now not just the book or writing but something which is very close to your heart.

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Books by आर्ची आडवाणी सैनी

कहते हैं हम अपने सपने के लिए कुछ भी कर सकते हैं और कभी-कभी उन सपनों के लिए हमें उन सपनों को ही छोड़ना होता है।

मां बाप से जरूरी कोई नहीं होता पर कभी-कभी खुद पर ध्यान देना भी गलत नह

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अनजान अजनबी

Books by आर्ची आडवाणी सैनी

कहते है, किस्मत भी तुम्हारा साथ तब नहीं देती जब तुम्हें तुम्हारी किस्मत तुम खुद लिख रहे हो और सूर्य  तो अपनी किस्मत बदल रहा था, लोगों से नफरत को छोड़ पहली दफा प्यार को अपनाने के ल

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New Self

Books by Aarchi Advani Saini

How things turned around, the things which you expect and how it goes by in your life, how things changes in point seconds, a few seconds ago you were crying and now you are laughing or a few minutes ago you were having a good day and now tables are turned and everything around you is ruined and you still standing there thinking what just happened now.

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Books by Aarchi Advani Saini

Few love stories have a beautiful journey, some got over and some stayed, trust me all are full of miracles you'll surely find someone who loves you truly, madly, and unintentionally.

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Half Dead

Books by Aarchi Advani Saini

I couldn't breathe, life itself felt as though it became heavier. Friendships became harder to maintain and my smile faded away with each passing day. I was alone, I was broken, and I was desperate. My entire life became the opposite of what I was aiming for. I faced the world with screaming eyes and a broken heart and yet I wore a mask that showed happiness and joy. My days usually went the same: attend class, sleep in and talk to people who didn't really mat

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The Quiet Spirit

Books by Aarchi Advani Saini

It's sad how this series came to an end. Stories are made to escape from reality and the stresses the world had fallen down on us. It is made for relaxation and comfort, to expand our minds, and to unleash unlimited imagination.

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Lifeless Life

Books by Aarchi Advani Saini

We always try fighting with destiny. Trying to push it towards you. Lots of stress, sleepless nights just to make it to what YOU want.
The problem is we keep challenging destiny, we keep fighting against it and not for the better of it. 

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Let's be confidante

Books by Aarchi Advani Saini

We always try fighting with destiny. Trying to push it towards you. Lots of stress, sleepless nights just to make it to what YOU want.
The problem is we keep challenging destiny, we keep fighting against it and not for the better of it. 

It's time to put in the effort (without forcing it) and swim in the waves of destiny letting Allah guide that boat to rescue you.
Let Allah take that thing you want so badly towards YOU. And not you racing

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The Anonymous

Books by Aarchi Advani Saini

The Anonymous.

I will it name soon. 

“ It was beautiful! Perhaps more beautiful than my music itself! I didn’t imagine my music portrait as this stunning….which I never should have doubted because you are…you know…you! And neither did I know that you know my music so well that you could paint it!! It is so meaningful…. 
I’ll wait for you tonight. See you! 

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The way to love

Books by Aarchi Advani Saini

He took out his mobile from his pocket, opened the selfie
camera, and put it in front of me. Because it shows lateral
inversion I was still unable to find it. He gave me directions
and I cleaned that portion of my cheeks. But we were still
close to each other. His eyes were the color of whiskey
and grace because those moments felt like being drunk
into them. Neither he was doing anything nor I was doing
anything but we were just sta

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The Cabalistic Child

Books by Aarchi Advani Saini

“My dear Alia, you are right, we know the “how” part of it because you were born the same way. Your mother reproduced all by herself and you are the first baby to be born this way. You are special my child. Special.”

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Books by आर्ची आडवाणी सैनी

वो हमारे बिना कुछ नही,

और हम उनके बिना कुछ भी नही।


आर्ची आडवाणी सैनी

मेरी जिन्दगी का एक खुबसूरत हिस्सा है वो, अल्फाज मेरे और बातें उनकी, आसूँ मेरे, पर दर्द उनको।

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Dark Dead

Books by Aarchi Advani Saini

Sufferings offered me a whole lot of herself In the hope that I regret my past, And get breaking my head.
Hope was once my best friend, Whom I thought would never leave my side And walk along with me in all dread.
Affection tapped on my shoulders And cradled me like an infant But left me soon as I no more was a child.
Love crept into my backyard of barren land, And I soon closed the gates for her to not leave. But yet she flew away like a nightmare

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The Streets of Paris

Books by Aarchi Advani

We quietly walk the busy streets, I could hear people laughing, singing, smoking, and just taking a walk. It was quite a busy place to be. Other than the outside disturbances, I felt the world inside me tremble, my mind begging me to start a conversation, and my body, almost ready to just collapse.
“So how long have you been here?” I ask.

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Its all about destiny

Books by Aarchi Advani

It was like we got distracted for some time but then again had the fear of falling down.
Now, I was becoming bold and strong and he needed motivation. He became silent and I realised that I guess he himself is afraid. I consoled him just like he did. He calmed down and we started enjoying it. But just when we started enjoying it, it was the time when we had to land. We could see the ground and we together said,
"Ohh! It's done.."

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The Journey of Love

Books by Aarchi Advani

I need no love, love brings restlessness to my heart, I only yearn for peace of my disquiet mind. I envy you on your dreams, they seem so quiet and tranquil and I can't close my eyes in agony.
I wish for nothing but to relax, my soul is too tired, it craves for rest, there was enough distress. I desire for your serene thoughts, your silence seems like heavenly bliss and my tranquility is full with screams.
I crave for nothing but your stillnes

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Books by Aarchi Advani

February. The season of love. Of passion. Of confessions. Rejections. Heartbreaks. Of heartfelt desires. Of an ardor rekindled in one’s essence. It was February. The season of cherry blossoms. Of paths pink strewn. A sharp, but tenacious and seasonal breeze was blowing. It could make one feel like a poet at the soul. Making one desiring to weep at how beautiful life was..

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Books by Aarchi Advani

Some chapters of life are bad.. Sorry ..I must say their endings are bad. But courage to move on with new hope is telling of universe that you have more and more than you have already planned…And hopefully it can be bliss to your paths….

Afraid of loved ones leaving scares …it still scares me, I still don’t know how to get out of this mess???

But then too as a good learner;  now I learned not to break the spark o

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Faith is All

Books by Aarchi Advani

His eyes drenched in the sea of pain, 
Got the oar of hyperboles to float, 
Over the letter and words of his boat. 
They called him a sailor, 
But no,
He's a writer who knows,
How to sail the barque, 
Over his own saltwater. 

His hands waved the pen, 
Spilling the ink of his illusions, 
On the emblazoned paper of imageries. 
They called him a magician, 

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Today part 2

By Aarchi Advani Saini.! in Romance | Reads: 3,655 | Likes: 174

She said hitting him on his shoulder. “Yes, I remembered her today and why won’t I miss her? Today was the day, on the birthday of aaru, she left me with my baby in my hand by saying that it was a mistake. my love was a mistake. my aaru, my child was a mistake.”  “Vijay&  Read More...

Published on Oct 2,2022 04:10 PM


By Aarchi Advani Saini.! in Romance | Reads: 8,630 | Likes: 210

A boy was just sitting in his room, holding a photograph of a girl in one hand. He had tears in his eyes and was watching that photo carefully and after closing his eyes, he started to remember the face of that girl, her eyes, her smile, every single thing of her. only then he remembers the last wo  Read More...

Published on Oct 2,2022 03:28 PM

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