Deepti Agrawal

Storyteller and a Writer
Storyteller and a Writer

Author Deepti Agrawal is a Certified Storyteller, Story Consultant Coach, You Tuber, Published Poet, and an Award-winning Writer in various Anthologies and online magazines.   She finds her inspiration from nature and is deeply touched by the emotions around her. She weaves magic with the spools of her imagination. She loves to paint words from the depths of her mind, on life's canvas.Read More...


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Six Shades of Nature

Books by Deepti Agrawal

Nature is abundant and is full of surprises. It has many shades of emotions, colours and seasons. Poetic verses full of the beauty of nature weaved with love, care and emotions is compiled here. 
Every season has some unique characteristics of its own. All have found place in the writers words and presented in this book.

This book has poems from the six seasons of nature. Spring,  Summer, Monsoon, Autumn, Winter along with some musin

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Books by दीप्ती

हमारे आस पास हर पल कहानियाँ जन्म लेती हैं और दम तोड़ती हैं। कभी कभी कुछ कहानियाँ, किरदार, बातें हमारे जहन मे बस जाती हैं। 

ऐसी ही कुछ कहानियाँ मेरी कलम से जन्मी हैं जिन्हे इस

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Shades Of Emotions

Books by Deepti Agrawal

Emotions are what make us Humans and we are touched by them every minute of our lives. There are basically Nine emotions, as deduced in ‘Natyashastra’, which plays an important role in all walks of life.

This Book features all the nine emotions in the form of poetry as life is an amalgamation of all the emotions. Every emotion has its own distinctive taste that rejuvenates and drives us from within.

Rhythmic ballads of Love, Joy, Co

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EMOTIONS - Through the Lens of Ancient & Modern Literature

Books by Deepti Agrawal

The kaleidoscopic spectrum of emotions imparts myriad shades to human existence and in the absence of Emotions, humans would be lifeless. Feeling emotions is what makes humans.

This book is all about how you can Recognize, Accept and Execute a few changes to harness the emotions residing in you. We have the ability to change ourselves and shape up our own lives. Be curious about your emotions, and learn how to understand them, to have a long-lasting ch

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