Eternal Blue Sky Publication



FINALLY ! I let you go

Books by Rishika Srivastava

Sometimes that pain comes from a breakup or a love that has been lost. Grief over the death of a loved one could also cause your heart to feel as if it has been shattered to pieces. Even the betrayal of a friend might lead your heart to mourn a loss. These types of heartbreak are all very different, but they stir up similar feelings deep inside and set us on a journey of healing and recovery.

With time, that heartbreak will lessen and the figurative cl

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Books by Aditya Pitroda

The Book POWER OF WORDS  is a book of poetry. In this book, on topics like religious, social, patriotic, romantic, Aditya Pitroda has written in this book. Such poems are in this book. All these poems are not written to insult any religion or caste, they are only for imagination and awareness of the society

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Beintehaa Rizvi

Books by Hira Siddiqui

Beintehaa rizvi 
The beutiful word Beintehaa rizvi stands for infinity , infinity love towards our parents, family relative friends, and our  dearest loved ones. So here I give an amazing opportunity to all the writers to show their feeling towards their loved ones . We  people are getting a bit shy to express our love towards our special ones that's was the real reason I named that anthology Beintehaa rizvi.
Nd exactly what I want as it

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Life is a Willow

Books by Ka. Parinashri & Gaurav Singh Adhikari

Though we knew that we can wish anything or something with the creations of nature. The bestowed who could let us live in to the peaceful sound of surround. Un til those ups and downs we may matter to the most of the grounds surface of depth. "Life Is A Willow" under Flower Blossom Publication House is a combination of mixed feelings penned by a co-operative team of 30 co-authors, we present you a variations of different genres as well taste of feelings hidden

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Books by Asma Khan

The book "Kitaab_E_Zindagi is an inspirational and motivational book. Writers pour their heart out when they write, they have lots of emotions deeply embedded in their words and have beautifully expressed their writings that's how their words become heavenly.

You'll find emotions , expression and journey of people which take you to their little heaven, their heart and soul through their words. This effort that I made as a Compiler to bring the best and

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Eyes Don't Lie

Books by Hira Siddiqui

The book is written on the basis of how eyes can express everythings what words can not , our writers expressed their thoughts in the book in the way what they can not express by their words 

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SQuall of Life

Books by Sakshi Chamat


Join the Squall of life Community group

Where we'll be having  Daily Challenges and Weekly Open Mic.’s
*other hidden benifits and many more surprising challenge

Happy Writing

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Books by शैफाली सिंह

पहचान” की सम्पादकीय अभिव्यक्ति समस्त लेखकों के प्रति अपना विशेष आभार व्यक्त करती है कि आप सब ने अपनी योग्यता और समयानुसार सहयोग एवं सुझाव से इस किताब को एक नया आयाम प्रदान किय

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Books by Divyashree Ms

The book CHILDHOOD is a collection of delightful feelings and emotions of childhood where the people will be so caring and gentle towards us. Co-authors has contributed their loving and emotional experience. 

CHILDHOOD is all about the memories and experience of our co-authors. The lovely age and best days of life is Childhood.

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Books by Vardah Fatima

Single book with thoughts of 40 emerging writers from different regions, diverse cultures ,possesing different stories.Inkled thoughts is a book where obscureness ,enervated thoughts,melancholy  as well as hope, felicity, fedility and serene  is presented in inklings in form of poetry, short stories, quotes and other genres by all writers. These are the moments and phases of life we go through and these are the assorted stories we write and present.<

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Books by Khushi Prajapati

We all need magic in our life and here this book will spell you with the magic of its words. I kept the name of this book as MAGICAL because there are many things which are magical in this world like write-ups. A poem or a story or a quotation can change the whole world. The words in it has such a power and magic that it can just change your mind and this book has many write-ups which will just change your mind about many things.

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Books by तरुण सक्सेना तन्मय

यह पुस्तक “मरासिम-ए-मोहब्बत

” मेरी कलम से ननकली हुई मेरे जज़्बातों की आवाज़ है । “मरार्सम- ए – मोहब्बत “ कादहंदी अथि है , “प्यार का ररश्ता” । इस पुस्तक में मेरी कुछ नज़्म

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अनकहे अलफ़ाज़

Books by आकाश मल्होत्रा

अनकहे अल्फाज़ अनपेक्षित भावनाओं और विचारों के बारे में एक किताब है जिसे लोगों को समझने की कमी और न्यायपूर्ण समाज के डर के कारण किसी के साथ साझा नहीं किया गया था। आशा है पाठक लेखक

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