Sheeba Vinay


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You Are Not Your Mental Health

Books by WeTalk Writers

Mental health is one of the most important topic discussed across the world. On a recent account more than 14.3% of deaths worldwide, or approximately 8 million deaths each year, are attributable to mental disorders. Studies reveal that this number is only going to increase in going years. Mental health disorder comes with no gender disparity or age difference. Right from child to elderly persons are affected by mental health issues each passing day. May and J

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You Are Not Your Mental Health

Books by WeTalk Writers

Mental health is one of the most important topic discussed across the world. On a recent account more than 14.3% of deaths worldwide, or approximately 8 million deaths each year, are attributable to mental disorders. Studies reveal that this number is only going to increase in going years. Mental health disorder comes with no gender disparity or age difference. Right from child to elderly persons are affected by mental health issues each passing day. May and J

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Believe It Or Not

Books by WeTalk Writers

Believe It Or Not is a collection of  ten folklores written by ten different authors from various places and backgrounds. This book is an attempt to acquaint readers with folklores from different parts of our country. 

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Tales Around The Clock

Books by Wetalk Writers

Tales Around The Clock is a beautiful collection of story woven by the most imaginative brains. Children tend to surpass our expectations and leave us mesmerised in every possible way. And Tales Around The Clock is one such example. Apart from being the first children book by WeTalk Writers, this tiny bundle of joy is our last project of 2022! 

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A Pinch of Memories

Books by Sreelakshmi M. S

Life is a roller coaster - with a mixture of untamed emotions spilled all over. Love, hate, anger, laughter, sadness, happiness, fear, courage all served in a single plate called experience. A pinch of memories is one such beautiful compilation of stories and anecdotes woven out of author's imagination and experience that readers can strike a chord instantly.

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All I Love About You

Books by By Wetalk Writers

Love! One of the oldest emotions known to man, yet one that is still beyond the capabilities of human analysis. Monuments have been created in the name of love. Whole cities have been burnt to the ground in the name of love. Love is a complicated emotion – which is why it is a favorite subject for authors. Love knows no language, no religion, no caste, no creed and is beyond discrimination. Love is seen in a new-born baby as well as in a 90-year-old seni

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Books by Meghana Kulkarni

Edit life is a book all about perception and how a shift towards positive perception can help you reframe your mindset and transform your life. This book is not about right or wrong, it's all about perception and the way you perceive things in life will eventually create your reality. In this book, the author shares the #11 filters that have helped her transform her life.

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Life Happens In The Grey

Books by By Wetalk Writers

‘Life happens in the grey’ – when we came up with the idea of this anthology, it immediately felt right to us. Imagine telling stories from that grey area! Imagine telling stories that are not very often heard! We do believe that every story is waiting, yearning, dying to be heard. So, in this anthology we have some amazing writers, writing from their experiences of living this human life, reading, learning, knowing and just being.


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