Kartik Nair

Writer and Public Speaker
Writer and Public Speaker

Kartik Nair, an Ex-Army officer, is now a Singer, Martial-artist and author of multiple Best-Selling Books. Kartik has spent the last couple of years writing books giving his characters a palpable spark! His latest novel “Q & A About Sanatan” is the latest work of research he released. Kartik has traveled extensively around India, learning about the history of the region and walking the paths of his characters.  He is a lifelong music nerd and a devoted hobbyist of music, movies, and martial arts. He also mixes a mean cocktail of spirituality and practicality.Read More...


ब्रह्माकुमारी आचरण

Books by BK श्वेता बहन

ब्रह्मा बाबा के माध्यम से परमात्मा शिवबाबा ने हमें जो ज्ञान का दिव्य अमृत दिया है, उसे फैलाने की जरूरत है क्योंकि यही परम सत्य है जो एक नए सतयुग की स्थापना के लिए सबसे बड़ी ताकत बन

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Q & A About Sanatan

Books by Kartik Nair

Sanatan Dharma has been derogated on many topics and through various modes of media by some Islam followers. With that, many youths from Sanatan have been misguided and taken away from their base reality of being a Hindu. This book has a comparative analysis of Sanatan with Islam (with valid references) so that whoever reads it would at least research before leaving or raising a question about Sanatan.

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Books by Kartik Nair


Every single home has that one person who feels that they are right and end up making the wrong decisions. Herein are mentioned stories of two such people. inspired by true events this story maybe able to provide a breakthrough to different world for the people who have been considered the FAILURES of community.

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