CS Reddy

CS Reddy has 32 years of experience in Development Sector. Well known for his work on SHGs, SHG federations, promoting viable cooperative enterprises, Government - NGO collaboration and policy in favour of women & farmers
CS Reddy has 32 years of experience in Development Sector. Well known for his work on SHGs, SHG federations, promoting viable cooperative enterprises, Government - NGO collaboration and policy in favour of women & farmers


Sprouting Seeds of Radical Education

Books by Debbie Castle

In this book, adult educators and social change facilitators from 10 countries share stories that describe how they worked with others and were inspired to do something different, outside the norm, in their communities and societies. Whether it is a story about youth leadership, human rights defenders, using the arts to heal, women's empowerment or community peace building, this volume demonstrates how social justice and social change can happen when people ar

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