Shivnarayan Kamat

Passionate Writer
Passionate Writer


Am I A Fake Friend ?

Books by Shivnarayan Kamat

About The Book

From our birth till death we make many relations, among them one of the most special relations is friends because we choose them. We play together, we smile together, we laugh together, wth time our bonds get stronger. But sometimes things change and we don't realise when our special bond gets broken up.

‘Am I A Fake Friend?’ is one of such stories which take you through a journey of emotions, real life situati

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The Unknown Caller

By Shivnarayan Kamat in Mystery | Reads: 2,006 | Likes: 1

"Hello, your father's life is at risk now. Go protect him" An unknown caller said to Mr. Ashwin on the phone call in the middle of the night and ended the call. As soon as he heard these words, his heart started beating fast. Although he was an intelligent policeman who knew that this call could be   Read More...

Published on Oct 8,2022 10:34 AM

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