Syed Mikail Ali

Teacher, Story Teller, Writer
Teacher, Story Teller, Writer

Sd Mikail is from Birbhum West Bengal India. He is a teacher by profession. He has a passion for writing fiction and children's book. He has special love for child. He believes in universal brotherhood and prays to God for peace and harmony all over the world. Life is for living and everyone must live their life. His works are Midnight's Scream, Larry Potter, Lust Kills Love, Truly I Love You, The Rape of Neha, Abdullah and the Jinni. Read More...


Midnight's Scream

Books by Syed Mikail Ali

Midnight's Scream is a fiction that focuses on some social problems like domestic violence, marriage, love and relation, social and economic discrimination and unemployment. Apart from these issues the fiction also highlights on marital rape, human trafficking etc.

The story revolves round the life of Sana, the protagonist who suffered a lot. The story tells the incidents which are happening now a  days and newspapers are full of such news.


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Larry Potter

Books by Sd Mikail

Larry Potter is a book of Magic and Mystery. Larry, a child without childhood, faces lot of problems and consoles herself that she is having a cursed life. Her suffering crosses the limit and the torture of her step mother increases day by day. Her life becomes a pool of hazards. But a miracle happens in her life. She meets three witches who inform her that she is a born witch and possesses special magical power. Her power will be revealed to her when she will

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