Gunakshh Sharma

Writer and actor
Writer and actor


Time Diversion

Books by Gunakshh Sharma

Time Diversion is story of a child named Ahan who experience dimension slip.He encounters extraordinary mysteries in his life.The entire book is a roller coaster ride of emotions and is hilarious as well as interesting too.

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Phantasm: The fate of a friend

By Gunakshh Sharma in Mystery | Reads: 8,552 | Likes: 101

Sanjay, cunning as well as an experienced writer was grieving over the mistake he made a few years ago, as he had a fight with his friend, Sarthak with whom he used to live. Angered by the silly dispute between them, Sanjay left the home. A few years after the chaos, Sarthak tried to contact Sanjay   Read More...

Published on Oct 22,2022 11:34 AM

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