sai nadh


A Pragmatic view

Books by Sain Ad

This book talks about day-to-day terms we use as emotions and actual intentions behind those which as human beings we tend to omit, forget or ignore. Points like Love, Marriage, Children, Friendship, Sex, etc. are discussed from a benefits point of view rather than an emotional one. It makes the readers understand and gives them clarity on how these above said components of life are driving them and where these are leading them.

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A child's cry

By sai nadh in Women's Fiction | Reads: 2,928 | Likes: 0

   In one of the corners of India where people live close to the international border of China and Burma which is covered with lavish and lush greenery mountains on one part and with an abundance of Vegetation on the other part, there lived a tribe of Poumai, who cultivates pineapple   Read More...

Published on Oct 14,2022 02:36 AM

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