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अजी!सुनती हो

Books by तरुण श्रीवास्तव

अजी सुनती हो" एक साधारण पुस्तक न होकर बल्कि एक अव्यक्त अभिव्यक्ति है। इसमें एक प्रेमिका/प्रेमी किस प्रकार से व्यवहार करते है, किसी एक पक्ष के बेवफा हो जाने पर दूसरे पक्ष की स्थित

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पर्यटन और हम

Books by डॉ अजय पाल सिंह

इस किताब में 'टूरिज्म' यानी पर्यटन पर एक आधारभूत जानकारी देने का प्रयास किया गया है। भारत में कई ऐसे एतिहासिक, धार्मिक, प्राकृतिक व सांस्कृतिक पर्यटन स्थल हैं, जो हमें अतुल्य भार

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जिंदगी एक दस्तक है

Books by सिमरन भट्ट

जिंदगी के उतार-चढ़ाव पर आधारित किताब 'जिंदगी एक दस्तक है'।  जैसा कि यह सच है कि सभी स्थितियों में संतुलन बनाए रखना अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण है क्योंकि यह आपको खुशी और संपूर्णता की ओर ल

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Pool of quotes

Books by Sonia Anumula

Quotes are the best way to express any feelings in just few lines. The beauty that lies in quotes is indefinable. Many great leaders leave their words in the form of quotes which gets engraved in our hearts for lifetime.

Though it’s a simple five-letter word ‘Quote’, the weight it carries is the thousands of feelings penned in just few lines which is carved so beautifully that touches millions of hearts. Sometimes, these quotes lead

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Books by Anishta.d

Everyone has someone they may adore and refer to as "CLANDESTINE" in their lives. Nevertheless, it varies from person to person. It might be their parents for some people, while it might be their friends, a loved one, or even their pets.

In this case, CLANDESTINE is to acknowledge, dedicate, and have compassion for another person while also recognising the divine inside oneself.

We have the greatest potential in our ability to accept and lo

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Wishing You a Happy Birthday

Books by Himanshu Ranjan “sameer”

This Book Is Dedicated to A girl Who has a golden Heart , Miss Ankita Dwivedi My Friend, She is Really Amazing person, Writer And Motivator, She has Many Dreams, she believes One day She will Complete Her All Dreams ..

This Is Her Birthday Wishes book , In this book People Have Written Birthday Wishes for Her. 25 Sep is Her day

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Books by Belcy Sheeba G

There’s someone in everyone’s life to be loved and called “BELOVED”.
But it differs from person to person.
For some, it may be their parents, and for others it maybe their friends, their loved one,
or even their pets.
As Sydney Smith says,
“To love, and to be loved, is the greatest happiness of existence!”
BELOVED – here, is to recognize the divine within and also in another person, with the rec

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रक्षा सूत्र

Books by अर्चना साओ

रक्षा सूत्र " एक परिचय

          मैंने महसूस किया है, शायद आप भी करते होंगे...

"भाई से अच्छा कोई साथी नहीं और बहन से अच्छा कोई दोस्त नहीं"

"एक अदृश्य बंधन होता है भाई और ब

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मेरे कान्हा जी

Books by अदिति शर्मा

पुस्तक "मेरा कान्हा जी" भगवान कृष्ण की सभी खूबसूरत यादों और चमत्कारों के बारे में बताती है, जिन्हें हम प्यार से माधव, कान्हा, दिकाधीश और कई अन्य नामों से पुकारते हैं। पुस्तक को जन्

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Books by Sabiya Rubbani

This book is published by Sabiya Rabbani ji.
In this text, it is written about the festival of colors (Holi) and its color is written about how it is a painter in our life.
Coater (Author) has written mail from this book.
Information about e-option and improvement.
This textbook has been referred to by Sabiya Rab.
It has been published and it has been published.

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Books by Himanshu Ranjan Sameer

FEELINGS TO BE EXPRESSED. There are thousands of feeling that arose in a person like Adoration, Amusement, Anger, Awe, Confusion, Contempt, Desire, Disappointment, Distress, Fear, Interest and Sadness. Few things in this world can only felt .

We feel the presence of air ,we can't see it like wise some feelings can only be expressed their are strong memories this is a platform to express out .

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Unexpressed feelings

Books by Payal Jaiswal

In this world where we have many people’s but no one is own. There are many feelings in our heart that left unspoken.Those emotions we want to share with someone but we have no one.

I believe writing is the best means to express these feelings.

This anthology Unexpressed feelings is the collection of all these feelings.

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