Nitul Das

Writer, Photographer
Writer, Photographer


সাথী সেন

Books by নিতুল দাস

শৈশবে পড়া সেই ঠাকুমার ঝুলিই হওক, অথবা সদ্য পরে শেষ করা রবি ঠাকুরের শেষের কবিতাই হওক, দুটোতেই লেখক নিজের প্রাণপণে পাঠকের মন ছুইয়ে নেওয়ার চেষ্টা করেছেন। সব লেখকই সেই চেষ্টা করেন

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One Day

Books by Nitul Das

After losing the same competition three times in a row, I thought it better not to participate in that competition again. But my teachers forcefully sent me there. I was sure we would lose this time too.

My goal was to play. I was waiting for that day. But when that day came. The whole thing seemed to me to be a trap. What was the trap, and who created that?

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