deepika bhardwaj


Patient 12

Books by Dr. Deepika Bhardwaj

Diana wakes up in pain, tied to a bed and unable to escape. She's been trapped by a group of surgeons with a twisted passion and she's their next victim.
Diana Slater, a typical University student, wakes up in pain, tied to a bed and unable to see. After a mysterious figure, known only as Dr. Sweeney, nurses her back to health she finds out the truth. The Doctor has kidnapped her and g

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Celestia: The Mark Of Aether

Books by Deepika Bhardwaj

Seventeen - year - old Celestia is an orphan . Growing to be independent , she learnt how to sneak unseen underneath the nose of community . But there is more behind those silent eyes . Ardoria was once a prodigious world that breathed mirth and jocundity . But now , it is the remaining parts of an asunder world torn by darkness and demons . And as an infinite war still sings between the goods and the evils , the Black Queen is baring her cards too fast for th

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