Pritam Pathak

Pritam Pathak (P. Pathak) is a Writer, Rapper and Songwriter who makes Hip-Hop/Rap Music and writes books on Mysterious Topics, Fiction, Romance and Deep Hidden Secrets of Life.
Pritam Pathak (P. Pathak) is a Writer, Rapper and Songwriter who makes Hip-Hop/Rap Music and writes books on Mysterious Topics, Fiction, Romance and Deep Hidden Secrets of Life.

You're GOD

By Pritam Pathak in Mystery | Reads: 1,849 | Likes: 11

"It's impossible" Ranjit says. "I spent 2000 dollars in just 2 months?!… but I just paid my rent and my bills.. that's all I did and the money's gone!" Ranjit says in utter disbelief. "Oh Lord… I don't even have money in my bank account now". "Now I'm gonna be broke again… that'  Read More...

Published on Oct 7,2022 06:33 AM

Oneness is SEX

By Pritam Pathak in Young Adult Fiction | Reads: 2,734 | Likes: 10

"Zanina, show me your palm!" Jenna forcefully grabs Zanina's hands. "No, you ain't gotta see anything.. I don't believe in such things" Zanina say laughing. A group of 4 boys are observing from the other side. These boys are in their early twenties. Veera stands in a thinking position as if he's   Read More...

Published on Oct 6,2022 09:27 PM

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