kotra siva rama krishna


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Objection Sustained

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

When the famous criminal lawyer Malavika Hemangal was murdered, it caught like wildfire in the society and her ex-husband Rojan Sahayog was the accused. All those who have known the disputes between Malavika and Rojan have no doubt that he has killed her. Even the famous criminal lawyer Vinathi Parijan, who was the best friend of Rojan Sahayog’s fiancée Sobria Sanagal and knew them both well, was sure that Rojan would not have committed that crime

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Body, Mind And You

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

As the title suggests, this book mainly deals with three things, body, mind and you. The main purpose in writing this book is to demonstrate to you how you are different from the body and mind. The techniques explained in this book would be helpful to you to separate yourself from the body and mind. They make you understand how and why you are neither the body nor the mind. 

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English Grammar Simplifier

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

This English grammar book was written keeping in view particularly all those who want to get a grip on English grammar. This book sure does give an understanding of English grammar and especially quite helpful to those who started learning English language. A systematic reading of this English grammar book will be immensely helpful to all those who want to gain command over English grammar.

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Twisted Shadow

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

When Sameera was told by Vinay Chandra Asarava, a very rich young man belonging to Asarava Estates, accosted by him in a marriage that she has to marry him to save herself from an evil power, she just did not believe him at all. She considered the dreams in which he was saving her from an evil power and his family priest’s saying to him that he only could save her from that evil power and the marriage between them both was important to his family also as

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Delicious Predicament

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

Charitha was desperate to save her family from its financial crisis and was worrying too much as she could not do that with the meagre income she was having through her small job. She just did not like her friend Prameela’s helping her financially time and again but she could not deny as there was no other way at all except that to come over at least some of that predicament. When she could not get a good job anywhere with a better salary and when she co

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Shadow of a Spirit

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

Women have been missing in that village for a long time and no one knew what was happening to them once they were missed. It was rumoured that big hands were behind the missing of the women as such police were not putting their whole effort to find the missing women and catch the culprits. One girl who determined in herself to catch the culprits and put a stop to the missing of the women for her own reasons, came into that village and with a perfect plan and w

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Body, Mind And You

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

As the title suggests, this book mainly deals with three things, body, mind and you. The main purpose in writing this book is to demonstrate to you how you are different from the body and mind. The techniques explained in this book would be helpful to you to separate yourself from the body and mind. They make you understand how and why you are neither the body nor the mind. 

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A Girl's Conflict

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

Sirisha who was a fifteen years aged girl and was studying tenth class, became completely upset when she came to know that her mom was pregnant and was going to give her a sibling just in some six months or so. The sudden fear which Sirisha has was; her dad could not expend amount for her medical studies while looking after another child also. Moreover she does not like sharing any of hers with another sibling either it was a brother or sister. She went even t

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Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

After six months of the demolition of the evil palace, odd and horrifying incidents started to happen again. Aravind’s daughter ‘Sarita’ and psychiatrist Rose’s daughter ‘Emily’ started behaving odd and it has been thought as ‘split-personality’ for sometime. But as psychiatrists Charles and Niranjan’s wives were also behaving oddly, they have to consider the whole of their four behavior in a different angl

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Unwanted Guests

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

When that brother and sister, Samman and Devayani, came to Madhumathi’s house, in which her family was residing for seventeen years or so without paying any rent after the death of the owner of it, claiming it by showing a will executed by the said owner who was their uncle, they became bitterest enemies to Madhumathi and to her two daughters Veechika, Sarika and son, Vinod. When they persisted to stay in that house itself along with Madhumathi’s f

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Loud Thunder Nearby

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

They all have entered into that palace in that village in the corner of that country along with their family members to stay one week or so and enjoy themselves in the assumption that they have been invited by their friend Nivaas and Nivaas also came to that palace with his son in the assumption that he has been invited by his friend Pallavi. When all of them have met in the palace and discussed among themselves, they understood that it was not Nivaas and Pall

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Handfulls of Sand

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

Twenty one years old Susmitha started facing problems not just because of her parents death in a flight accident at her fifteenth year itself but because of the strange will executed by her father also. It was the tradition for generations together in her family that the fathers do write wills so that their daughters get right on the properties of their fathers only after they enter into their twenty second year and get married. They do lose their right comple

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Being Possessed

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

Anand purchased a flat as it was offered at heavy discount despite knowing about the rumours that the family members of the previous deceased tenant were still in that flat as spirits. None of the family members of Anand thought much to come and settle in that flat as they did not believe in spirits and paranormal. They felt surprise by coming to know when they entered into that flat that the Swaroop’s family comprised  Swaroop, his parents, his bro

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Whispers in the Night

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

Pradeep was a famous writer by his romantic thrillers and the first reader and critic was his wife Mallika. When he came to a semi-town because of his wife’s transfer to that place as the chief manager of a nationalized bank, he started feeling differently. When he tried to write a novel in his usual way it has not become possible to him and the strong urge in him was to write a paranormal thriller. Pradeep never liked to write anything with paranormal a

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Shadow in the Mirror

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

He was the only offspring to his parents and his both parents were late. He knew that his father has taken that loan to construct their house but he did not know whether he cleared it fully or not. What surprised him and shocked him was; that Sudarshan was not just a good character but a good friend to his father while he was alive but why he was pestering him like that? Even though Sameera was his childhood friend, later on she became haughty and stopped even

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Closed Doors

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

They all have entered into that old palace, in the suburbs of that small village, just at the beginning of a tiny forest, with an expectation of just entertainment and fun. But the unknown fear, the uneasiness which greeted them as soon as they stepped into it was quite unexpected. The psychologist Susmitha’s repeated saying that it was quite natural to feel in such a way in an odd palace in a faraway place to their usual dwellings did not have much effe

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Laughter in Darkness

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

Are voodoo, witchcraft, black magic and shadow world, etc. things are true and in existence or are they just the creation of the human mind? Would there be any change in the behavior of the human mind in faraway, odd and lonely places? Are the souls are separate from the human bodies and would they go on journeys leaving the bodies somewhere and come back into them again? Can human mind memorize things and reproduce them with the same clarity and clearness eve

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Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

Long time back there was a village. It was afflicted with cholera and all the villagers were swiped of except three, Mohura, Amaswitha and Montu. Mohura thought it was just by god’s decision that the village was afflicted with cholera and the parents and siblings of all the three were dead. He wanted to take revenge on god, take him into his control and spread his empire everywhere in the universe to put a stop to the god’s atrocities. But Amaswith

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Spirit in the Mirror

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

Sailaja, the wife of a very rich businessman Somanath, became absolutely mad for more than two years and what all she would do was; just staring ahead with a blank expression on her face. Her husband Somanath made her to take treatment in all the reputed hospitals even in the foreign countries also but there was no improvement at all and ultimately he joined her in BAMC (Black Ant Mental Care) which was very much reputed with talented psychiatrists and psychol

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Rain Flower

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

Williams was a thirty years aged clever, rich and educated businessman. Something he had seen in their old palace made him lost his mental balance. He became mild mad, just remained staring ahead blankly. He had been admitted in Black Ant Mental Care where he was entrusted to Rose who was the practicing psychiatrist there. Rose could make Williams to come to his senses but he forgot everything that happened before that incident. Rose and her senior Charles str

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Love is Dangerous with a Stranger

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

When thirty eight years aged Stuart, an industrialist and unmarried person, expressed his love to twenty one years old Jasmine, who was the daughter of David Carter, the chief executive of his company Gaama, she said that he was a stranger to her and love is dangerous with a stranger. When he said that she was more a stranger to him than he was to her and despite that point he was feeling abundant love on her and cannot wait longer to marry her. But only after

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Broken Window

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

Janardan and Chalapathi were good friends for a long time but differences have arisen between them both from the moment they started competing for MLA post to their constituency and Janardan’s winning in the elections and becoming an MLA created envy, jealousy and anger in Chalapathi towards his friend which caused a complete cessation to their friendship. Janaradan was always with a wish to restore his friendship with Chalapathi as he was his close frie

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Wisps Of Smoke (Part-1)

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

After her marriage with the almost fifty years aged guy Sahay, the twenty four years aged Mayuri thought her challenge was only to make her step-children Sameera and Pradeep amicable and friendly with her. The two things which she did not expect to happen but have taken place were; her feeling love towards her husband abundantly and her overwhelming grateful feeling and pity towards the insane first wife of her husband Niyoja. When her step-daughter Sameera al

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Wisps Of Smoke (Part-2)

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

After her marriage with the almost fifty years aged guy Sahay, the twenty four years aged Mayuri thought her challenge was only to make her step-children Sameera and Pradeep amicable and friendly with her. The two things which she did not expect to happen but have taken place were; her feeling love towards her husband abundantly and her overwhelming grateful feeling and pity towards the insane first wife of her husband Niyoja. When her step-daughter Sameera al

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Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

Sapphire was a twenty four years young, beautiful and intelligent girl who borne in a very rich family. But……….

She tried to kill her grandfather when she was sixteen years old.

She tried to kill her mother when she was twenty four years old.

She tried to kill her father after one month or so of her attempt to kill her mother. 

She did not know why she was feeling that much of anger and hatred even to k

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Snow Flower (Part-2)

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

When he has fallen down in business and in extreme difficulties, the businessman Someswaram has a dream. In that dream an evil power, camel-headed man Gazira appeared to him and made a proposal to him. That proposal was; Someswaram has to agree to give birth to one of his queens Ambola who committed suicide and after that girl attains her eighteenth year Gazira would take her away from Someswaram. Someswaram must not try to prevent Gazira from taking that girl

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Snow Flower (Part -1)

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

When he has fallen down in business and in extreme difficulties, the businessman Someswaram has a dream. In that dream an evil power, camel-headed man Gazira appeared to him and made a proposal to him. That proposal was; Someswaram has to agree to give birth to one of his queens Ambola who committed suicide and after that girl attains her eighteenth year Gazira would take her away from Someswaram. Someswaram must not try to prevent Gazira from taking that girl

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Rustle In The Leaves (Part-2)

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

‘Rustle in the Leaves’ (3,52,000 words): Once again Muhura and his gang were out and in the open. Their atrocities this time on the earth were even more vigorous. Vamsi and others could not know whether the mission of Vamsi was failed or they have been made believe by Muhura that Vamsi took Muhura, Ahina and Amaswitha into him. As the atrocities of Muhura were unbearable and unthinkable, Vamsi and Sahamooti once again decided to put an end to Muhur

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Split Personality-Part II

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

When twenty two years or so aged Evalla felt too much for Viswanadh who was not only a widower, has a twenty six years or so aged daughter but also aged more than double to her; and wanted to live with him, she did not know the reason why. She was so happy a girl after her marriage with Viswanadh except with the only one problem ‘Okatho’ in her. For a long time, she was also just like Dr.Rose, of the opinion that it was just her ‘split person

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Rustle In The Leaves (Part-1)

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

Then ‘Rustle in the Leaves’ (3,52,000 words): Once again Muhura and his gang were out and in the open. Their atrocities this time on the earth were even more vigorous. Vamsi and others could not know whether the mission of Vamsi was failed or they have been made believe by Muhura that Vamsi took Muhura, Ahina and Amaswitha into him. As the atrocities of Muhura were unbearable and unthinkable, Vamsi and Sahamooti once again decided to put an end t

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Split Personality

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

The author is an Indian English writer and a post graduate in English who writes mostly fiction books and so far he has written thirty seven books out of which thirty five books are romantic, psychological thrillers and the remaining two are non-fiction books, Body, Mind and You and English Grammar Simplifier. The word count of his books range from 15,000 to 3,50,000 and the total word count of all his books is more than 36,00,000 (Thirty Six Lakhs Words) (as

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Shadows In The Twilight

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

When Sathapathi entered into his one hundredth year  hale and healthy without any problems that the age old people do have and can do all his works actively, he felt worried rather than feeling happy why his nature was not like all the other old people. The other worry he has was he might remain alive like that and never will die. He started writing his life as a book from the birthday of his one hundredth year till the day of his death on one hundred one

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Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

Nirupama (Some Secrets May Better Remain Secrets Forever): 


A twenty two years aged girl…………

Beautiful, clever, intelligent and student of post-graduation in psychology………

On one day morning found dead by hanging to the ceiling fan in her bedroom which incident made her mother partly mad………..

Post mortem conducted on th

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Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

Strawberry’ was not just a place for strange experiences, a place for wonderful romance also! Saritha, resident in flat no.405, fall in love with Satyaki and broke his resolve to remain as a bachelor for all his lifetime. Ranjitha, became furious when she came to know that a new entrant into the apartment Malathi was in love with Anirudh on whom she was quite interested in. Without bothering with the love of Malathi and Ranjitha on Anirudh, another girl

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Trembling Shadows

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

Are voodoo, witchcraft, black magic and shadow world, etc. things are true and in existence or are they just the creation of the human mind? Would there be any change in the behavior of the human mind in faraway, odd and lonely places? Are the souls are separate from the human bodies and would they go on journeys leaving the bodies somewhere and come back into them again? Can human mind memorize things and reproduce them with the same clarity and clearness eve

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Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

When he was entering into his 100th year, instead of feeling happy, Sundar felt quite irritated and sorrowful. He requested his granddaughter Rupa not to make any arrangements for the celebration of his birthday. Without bothering with his protestations, Rupa made the arrangements for the celebration of his birthday and made it a success. Sundar felt so much happy when his friend Somaraj a 96 years old man came to his home to stay with him for few days. But th

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Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

Jasmine was a twenty two years young girl who loved her father Richard and sister Rose a lot. Her acquaintance with Micheal was indeed a very longtime back and her love with him also was not recent. Jasmine loved and liked Micheal also as much as she loved and liked her father and her sister. But when she came to know through her father that Micheal started insulting and torturing her father who was working in their company, Jasmine started disliking Micheal.

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Sand Dunes

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

This is a collection of eight stories and each story says something about human sentiment, feeling and emotion. Each story is different and separate not depending on the other.
1)A different buyer
2)Ugly beauty
3)A true friend
4)When love surpasses reason
5)A non-believer
6)Golden bangles
7)A fatal game
8)Not a diamond to upkeep

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Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

When Rose and her family came into that locality, they really felt embarrassed seeing the surroundings there. It was such a locality only very rich people were living in big palace like houses and comparing with them Rose’ family was quite poor indeed. Because of her father’s employment in one of the company’s there, Rose family had to move to that place. Then Rose had to go to the palace of Margaret who was one of the very rich ladies in tha

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Rose Garden

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

Jasmine who was a ninth class student has a weakness. She could not remain silent if any of her friends were suffering for anything. She would go to any extent and probe into their personal matters also even sometimes that got her into problems.

When Jasmine told by her friend Mounika that her parents were going to be divorced, Jasmine could not remain calm seeing her friend distressed. She promised to Mounika that she would see not only that her paren

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Just Relax!

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

It is in circulation in the village of Mummara that some sorcerers were burnt alive in a hut in the suburbs of that village as they were doing atrocities on the villagers, later the spirits of the sorcerers were buried and spell-bounded under the earth as they still continued their atrocities on the villagers even after their death, by another sorcerer who had been brought from a faraway place. It was part of that story that the spells would hold the spirits o

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English Grammar Essential

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

This English grammar book was written keeping in view particularly all those who want to get a grip on English grammar. This book sure does give an understanding of English grammar and especially quite helpful to those who started learning English language. A systematic reading of this English grammar book will be immensely helpful to all those who want to gain command over English grammar.

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English Grammar Simplifier

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

This English grammar book was written keeping in view particularly all those who want to get a grip on English grammar. This book sure does give an understanding of English grammar and especially quite helpful to those who started learning English language. A systematic reading of this English grammar book will be immensely helpful to all those who want to gain command over English grammar.

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Objection Sustained

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

When the famous criminal lawyer Malavika Hemangal was murdered, it caught like wildfire in the society and her ex-husband Rojan Sahayog was the accused. All those who have known the disputes between Malavika and Rojan have no doubt that he has killed her. Even the famous criminal lawyer Vinathi Parijan, who was the best friend of Rojan Sahayog’s fiancée Sobria Sanagal and knew them both well, was sure that Rojan would not have committed that crime

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The Unknown Of You

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

This book mainly deals with three things, body, mind and you. The main purpose in writing this book is to demonstrate to you how you are different from the body and mind. The techniques explained in this book would be helpful to you to separate yourself from the body and mind. They make you understand how and why you are neither the body nor the mind.

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They Were Strangers To Themselves

Books by Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

It was Sameera’s, a twenty two years young and married girl’s strong desire to be the opposite sex and see how everything is to the opposite sex and Praomod, a twenty three years young and married man with a son, also has the same wish as much strongly as hers and it was just co-incidence that they both studied in the same class, same college and knew each other. It was also just co-incidence, that after they settled in their lives, they both met d

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