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Objection Sustained A Legal Investigation Thriller

Author Name: Kotra Siva Rama Krishna | Format: | Genre : Others | Other Details

When the famous criminal lawyer Malavika Hemangal was murdered, it caught like wildfire in the society and her ex-husband Rojan Sahayog was the accused. All those who have known the disputes between Malavika and Rojan have no doubt that he has killed her. Even the famous criminal lawyer Vinathi Parijan, who was the best friend of Rojan Sahayog’s fiancée Sobria Sanagal and knew them both well, was sure that Rojan would not have committed that crime, she could not dare to take-up the case not just because of the strong evidence against him but for her present unsettling position against the public prosecutor Niranjan Siddhant who was her husband also. But when Sobria Sanagal persisted that Vinathi has to plead in favour of Rojan Sahayog, Vinathi took up the case and made the strong objection to the public prosecutor’s framing Rojan Sahayog as guilty and get the court to order reinvestigation into the matter. But when the matter was reinvestigated and real culprit came into light, it was quite unexpected! A legal investigation thriller ‘Objection Sustained’

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Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

The author is an Indian English writer and a post graduate in English who writes mostly fiction books and so far he has written forty five books out of which forty three books are romantic, psychological thrillers and the remaining two are non-fiction books, Body, Mind and You and English Grammar Simplifier. The word count of his books range from 15,000 to 3,50,000 and the total word count of all his books is more than 40,00,000 (Forty Lakhs Words). All his books are available as ebooks and paperbacks and can be found by searching with the name ‘Kotra Siva Rama Krishna’: Cell No.9701937966: 



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