Meghaa Manikandan

Young Bookworm
Young Bookworm

My first book is "The Legend of the Cursed school". It was an amazing experience writing the book. I study in Grade 5. I love reading books. My hobbies are dancing, singing and reading. If my book changes the action or the point of view from which a person looks, I would be so proud of myself.Read More...

The Legend of the Cursed school.

By Meghaa Manikandan in Supernatural | Reads: 8,694 | Likes: 22

As they say,''Risk - taking is a great adventure and life should be full of adventures'',but disagree because of my last adventure.It took me long to gather my guts and courage and to start writing this book after everything that happened.In the beautiful city of Alexandria,in Egypt,there were three  Read More...

Published on Oct 17,2022 07:16 PM

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