Prakruti Dhanankar

The Warriors of Yarthe

By Prakruti Dhanankar in Adventure | Reads: 3,738 | Likes: 8

It was a normal day at the office,except it was a Sunday. Nobody really wanted to come to the office but our boss Josh forced us to come. Well not exactly forced us to come, he threatened us to fire us from our job if we didn’t show up that day. Only our team was asked to come. We had some wor  Read More...

Published on Oct 25,2022 07:17 PM

The Westview Academy

By Prakruti Dhanankar in Mystery | Reads: 2,495 | Likes: 6

“What is this?” The Principle of Westview Academy said looking at the lifeless body of a girl named Sawyer on the playground. It was horrifying. She was a pretty nice girl. Her demise saddened everyone. She had family problems. Her parents were divorced and her step dad would abuse her.   Read More...

Published on Oct 8,2022 06:09 PM

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