FutureForYou Publication


Mobile Application Development using J2ME

Books by David Livingston J

This Book titled "Mobile Application Development using J2ME" is an introductory book that introduces the basic concepts involved in developing a Mobile Application that can run on a small computing device such as Mobile Phone.  The topics covered in this include the following:

1.  J2ME Architecture

2.  MIDlet Programming in Java

3.  Creating User Interfaces - both High level and Low level

4.  Event Handl

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Web Technologies

Books by David Livingston J

Web technologies refer to the way computers/devices communicate with each other using Markup languages. This include presenting the content on a web page by creating, delivering and managing web content using Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML).  There are two types of web pages: static and dynamic.

Static web pages show the same content each time they are viewed.  Dynamic pages have content that can change each time they are accessed. Dynamic

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Programming for Problem Solving

Books by David Livingston J

This Book titled "Programming for Problem Solving" is a handbook for Engineering Students who want to learn the fundamentals of Computers and computer Programming for Problem Solving. It has three sections. Section I explains the historical and theoretical background of Computers and Programming.

Section II talks about the fundamental concepts of C Programming which include Character Sets, Data types, Operators, Expressions & Control Statements for Dec

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