Shreeya Sharma


The beginning of the end

Books by Shreeya Sharma

The world has fallen apart . Havoc is running up and down the streets will 2 young girls be able to bear the pain of the world ? Are they just 2 ordinary girls trying to make their way in to the world or are they something that they have never known ? Something that the world has never seen ? Something unique ? Something magical ? Can they solve this mystery to uncover their path to destiny ? Is it destiny or fate ? THIS book leads to the path of self - love a

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The Legend of Springdales

Books by Shreeya Sharma

This book carries forward the true legacy of SPRINGDALES! Can you imagine a place where you are given a magic wand to guide you through the night ? Or a place which can make you feel like you have been to the middle of the earth in one day ? A magnificent place where you get to be who you  really are ? Well, then that place can be discovered through this book !

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