Khaleel taj

Young aspiring writer
Young aspiring writer

Khaleel taj is a young aspiring writer, who has started writing as just a hobby. In the mere time his hobby turned out into writing a meaningful book. He spells his random thoughts often in the form of Hindi quotes. He is also keen at the poetry and Urdu Shayari. "Spelling Thoughts" is his debut book spelled on some random thoughts.Read More...


Spelling Thoughts

Books by Khaleel Taj

Life is too short, and we have so many dreams to pursue. This book is the outcome of one such dream that the author has pursued.

This book is the collection of life experiences, some random thoughts, inspirational quotes and daily learnings that are put altogether in the form of the words. It is source of knowledge and wisdom that can be used to guide in our daily lives.

There is no such rocketry written in the book, some random thoughts penned

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