Minton Singha


Stuttering thoughts of a stupid mind

Books by Minton Singha

Oftentimes I find myself in a dilemma of thoughts.

A part of me marvelling at the beauty of Life and Being. Full of zeal and enthusiasm, relishing every moment. Passionate and Affectionate about everything: The Romantic.

But then, there's this other me. Usually appearing in the later hours of the night. This one is cold, calculative and logical. A rational machine only believing in facts and logic. Denying all "purpose of existence": The Nihili

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Stuttering thoughts of a stupid mind

Books by Minton Singha

Oftentimes I find myself in a dilemma of thoughts.

A part of me marvelling at the beauty of Life and Being. Full of zeal and enthusiasm, relishing every moment. Passionate and Affectionate about everything: The Romantic.

But then, there's this other me. Usually appearing in the later hours of the night. This one is cold, calculative and logical. A rational machine only believing in facts and logic. Denying all "purpose of existence": The Nihili

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