Cheriyan Menacherry


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The Unknown Rigveda’s and Athenian’s

Books by Cheriyan Menacherry

The Mediating Mystery CHRIST, although unknown, present in all religions, is Deo ignoto. Rigvedic expression ‘what God’ (kasmai devāya) (RV 10, 121, 1-9) is not a question but naming the unknown Mediator, the cosmotheandric principle, the prajāpati (RV 10, 121, 10). Athenians had an altar reserved for the unknown God, Agnostos Theos. Perceiving that the altar was for the unknown Mediator of the Athenians, St Paul preached Christ in Areopagus (Act

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Saṃgama of Religions

Books by Cheriyan Menacherry

Christ, according to Raimundo Panikkar, must not be limited to the Christian context, a saviour in history, in the context of world religions. As Hinduism experiences a transhistorical mediator with ten thousand echoes, it will be more appropriate to describe Christ as a ‘cosmotheandric mystery’. Panikkar's Christological Prayāṇa series presents the insights that are particular to the understanding of the Christ-mystery in Hindu religious experi

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പൂജ്യത്തിലൂടെ പൂർണ്ണത

Books by ചെറിയാൻ മേനാച്ചേരി

'പൂജ്യത്തിലൂടെ പൂർണ്ണത: യേശുവചനമനനം’, മറ്റ് ഭാഷകളിൽ പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിച്ച എന്റെ പുസ്തകത്തിന്റെ വിവർത്തനം. ഈ പുസ്തകത്തിൽ ക്രമരഹിതമായ ക്രമത്തിൽ വ്യത്യസ്ത വിഷയങ്ങളും അടങ്ങിയിര

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God's Chosen People

Books by Cheriyan Menacherry

God's Chosen People: Engaging the Words of Jesus contains 12 themes in random order. The first theme, “Humanity as the Chosen Race and the People”, places the ‘chosennes’ in the context of all cultures and religions, as a rethinking of the ‘Chosen People’ is urgently needed. Some ‘chosen races’, with the support of their racist ideology for hate crimes and the ‘holy apocalyptic war’, try to dom

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Disasters towards New Horizons

Books by Cheriyan Menacherry

The book contains different topics in random order. ‘New Horizons from Disasters’ is the first one. The present pandemic in the world has reached almost apocalyptic proportions in 2020. The book of Revelation, amidst the cosmic catastrophes, had a great vision of hope. So also, the present terrible disaster could lead to something new in the horizons of the world. It is a great responsibility to express theological thoughts for the lay people. Ente

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‘All Lives Matter’, Myopia of Humanity

Books by Cheriyan Menacherry

All Lives Matter, Myopia of Humanity: Engaging the Words of Jesus contains different topics in random order. Black Lives Matter, Myopia of Humanity is the first one. The differences in the humanity are outside visual spectrum of some people. ‘Black Lives Matter’, or ‘I cannot breathe’ calls for attention from the nations. Slavery was to keep people as animals as the workforce. Aristotle and Plato viewed slaves had inferior souls. Anti-S

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Jesus' Place in Marketing Strategy

Books by Cheriyan Menacherry

Jesus' Place in Marketing Strategy: Engaging the Words of Jesus, contains several topics in random order. "Jesus the Marketing Superstar" is the first topic. One in three people in the world is a follower of Jesus. Some 7Ps were applied by Jesus. Product, promotion, people, place and price: Jesus offered the product, the kingdom of God, to people at a very high price. Jesus knew the place where people were in need. The poor will not be on the radar of marketin

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