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The Unknown Rigveda’s and Athenian’s Panikkar's Christological prayāṇa 2

Author Name: Cheriyan Menacherry | Format: Paperback | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

The Mediating Mystery CHRIST, although unknown, present in all religions, is Deo ignoto. Rigvedic expression ‘what God’ (kasmai devāya) (RV 10, 121, 1-9) is not a question but naming the unknown Mediator, the cosmotheandric principle, the prajāpati (RV 10, 121, 10). Athenians had an altar reserved for the unknown God, Agnostos Theos. Perceiving that the altar was for the unknown Mediator of the Athenians, St Paul preached Christ in Areopagus (Acts 17:22 ff.). The unknown CHRIST, which Christians call Jesus Christ, is unknown both to Hinduism and to Christianity. The Unknown God of Rigveda and of Athenians, the second book of the series, Panikkar’s Christological prayāṇa, deals more about Panikkar’s explication of the principle of Mediation of an Absolute Brahman with the world analysing the Brahmasutra. Īśvara of Hindu scriptures is not explicitly about Christ. The Christ of Christians cannot be equated with Īśvara. Still, if one analyses the `sensus plenior', a fuller sense of humanity's philosophical and theological texts, one arrives at the `res significata', the intended thing of the advaitic Īśvara leading to the philosophical possibility of a Christ.

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Cheriyan Menacherry

Prof. Dr C. Menacherry CMI was born 1950 at Mukkattukara, India. In 972 he joined in the CMI Congregation, and was ordained in1981 as priest. After doing MTh at Dharmaram Vidyakshetram (DVK) Pontifical Athanaeus of Philosophy and Theology, Bangalore, done his ThD at the Gregorian University Rome. In 1990 he was appointed as Lecturer in the Faculty of Theology and became Professor in the same faculty in 2004 at DVK. 

Gave talks in the Univers in Germany

He is the Publisher/Editor Asvattha: an International Journal of Culture, Philosophy & Theology:

His main books are:

-Christ: The Mystery in History: A Critical Study on the Christology of Raymond Panikkar, Frakfurt am Main: PeterLang, 1996.

-Wahrheit macht frei: Nachsinnen der Worte Jesu, Mauritius: Fromm Verlag, 2019.

- New Horizons from Disasters: Engaging the Words of Jesus, Blessed Hope Publishing: Mauritius, 2020.

-        Black Lives Matter’, Myopia of Humanity: Engaging the Words of Jesus. Mauritius: Blessed Hope Publishing, 2021.

-Säkulare Transzendenz: Nachsinnen der Worte Jesu, Fromm Verlag, 2021.

Essen nährt die Seele, Nachsinnen der Worte Jesu, Fromm Verlag: Republic of Moldova Europe, 2022.

-        All Are Chosen People: Engaging the Words of Jesus. Mauritius: Blessed Hope Publishing, 2022.

-        Confluence of Religions, Panikkar’s Christological prayāṇa 1, Chisinau, Moldova: Blessed Hope Publishing, 2022.

-        Einmündung der Religionen: Panikkars christologisches prayāṇa 1, Moldova: Fromm Verlag, 2022.

-Rigveda und Athener Unbekannt: Panikkars christologisches prayāṇa 2, Moldova: Fromm Verlag, 2022.

-Rigveda's and of Athenians' Unknown, Panikkar's Christological prayāṇa 2, Mauritius: Blessed Hope Publishing, 2022.

-All Lives Matter, Myopia of Humanity: Engaging the Words of Jesus, Chennai: Notion Press, 2023.

-Disasters Towards New Horizons: Engaging the Words of Jesus, Chennai: Notion Press, 2023.

-Jesus' Place in Marketing Strategy: Engaging the Words of Jesus, Chennai: Notion Press, 2023.

-         Interreligiös zu Intergalaktisch. Panikkars Christologie Prayāṇa 3, Moldova: Fromm Verlag, 2023.

-Jesus die Epiphanie des Supernamen: Panikkars Christologie Prayāṇa 4, London: Fromm Verlag, 2024.

-Jesus die Epiphanie des Supernamen, Panikkars Christologie Prayāṇa 4, Blessed Hope Publishing, London, 2024.

-Jesus Christ the Mystery in the Inter-Galactic History: Panikkar’s Christological prayana 5,, Blessed Hope Publishing, London, 2025.



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