anwita n

Budding Writer
Budding Writer

Author's childhood has been filled with journaling, and she began her literary interest with the book "Anokhi," which is published in both Hindi and English. Premchand was the author whose writings had a profound impact on her during her teenage years. Her writing is mostly concerned with humanity & empathy; this is what she emphasizes the most and believes that's the most basic and fundamental thing needed now to be inculcated in the humans. Humanity should not be lost in the era of machines and technology.Read More...


खोली का गणेशा

Books by अन्विता नेगी

अपने माता -पिता का आभार प्रकट करती हूँ। 

हम कितने भी बड़े हो जाएं, सिर्फ एक माता -पिता ही हैं जो हमेशा हमारा ख्याल रखते हैं। 

उनका और बच्चों का रिश्ता सदा रहता है, चाहे फिर वो

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Anokhi, I'm not a failure

Books by Anwita Negi

Story of Anokhi - how she faces the life challenges and receives divine help, based on divine values and values that dont serve us. Her mental depression and self discovery.

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Books by अन्विता नेगी

जीवन की चुनौतियां, दया, प्रेम भाव  और चमत्कार पे निर्भर अनोखी की कहानी - मानसिक स्ट्रेस और ड्रिप्शन और अध्यात्म।

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