
Publisher of Spiritual Books
Publisher of Spiritual Books


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Divine Guidance

Books by S. Sundaram

Annexure to the book Living by the Words of Bhagavan

The story of Sri Annamalai Swami and Bhagavan is one of the best examples of a Guru-Sishya (Guru and disciple) relationship, where the disciple surrenders to the Guru unconditionally and the Guru protects and nurtures the disciple with love, until his individuality has dissolved and he realizes his true nature.

After the Mahasamadhi of Bhagavan, Annamalai Swami continued to live in Pel

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மலரும் நினைவுகள்

Books by எஸ். சுந்தரம்

இளைஞன் செல்லப்பெருமாள் உண்மையை அறிந்துகொள்ள கொழுந்துவிட்டெரியும் ஆர்வத்தோடு பகவானை அணுகியபோது பகவான் உரைத்த வார்த்தைகள் இவைதான், “நான் உனக்காக காத்துக்கொண்டு இருந்த

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Return To The Source - Volume 2

Books by Sri Mahaprabu

This book has the power to transform your life. Not just by its content, but by your coming in touch with the Master from whose lips these words of Wisdom have been spoken. Sri Mahaprabu is an enlightened Master from Tiruvannamalai, India who has been quietly guiding a small group of sincere seekers for over 17 years.

This is the second volume in which  his talks are being made aware to the world. These talks cover all the topics of vital importan

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Sri Annamalai Swami - Final Talks

Books by S. Sundaram

Sri Annamalai Swami (1906 – 1995) came to Bhagavan in 1928 at the age of 22 and served him devotedly for over 10 years, in a spirit of total surrender. In 1938 with Bhagavan’s blessings, he moved to a small room in Palakothu next to Ramanasramam, to live in solitude and pursue his sādhana. Through Bhagavan's grace and years of disciplined practice, Sri Annamalai Swami attained Self-realization. For the rest of his life, he continued to live in tha

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Return to the Source - Volume 1

Books by Sri Mahaprabu

An Enlightened Master Speaks

This book has the power to transform your life. Not just by its content, but by your coming in touch with the Master from whose lips these words of Wisdom have been spoken. Sri Mahaprabu is an enlightened Master from Tiruvannamalai, India who has been quietly guiding a small group of sincere seekers for over 17 years. This is the first time his talks are being made aware to the world.

The first in a series to

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Living By the Words of Bhagavan

Books by Sri Annamalai Swami

Reading this book will open those doors inside you, which lead to the ultimate Truth of who we are.

This is the story of Sri Annamalai Swami, a disciple of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, one of the greatest and most widely respected Gurus that India has ever produced. His powerful presence, his radical teaching of self-inquiry and his exemplary life are even today still attracting new followers. Annamalai Swami was a direct disciple who moved clo

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