Anivesh Soni

Filmmaker, Businessman & Writer
Filmmaker, Businessman & Writer

Anivesh is a Filmmaker, Entrepreneur, and Founder/CEO of Magickd, he has a sound knowledge of Pre-Production, Production, and post-production. He is also a member of SWA India and has acquired the skills from a leading Animation/VFX/Multimedia institute in India. He was also part of the award-winning animated film “Hungroo” in 2014. He has also made numerous short films and was recognized by the industry and one of them was "Just Like A Bird" which was selected across the globe in 10 different film festivals and won at the Brazil film festival. Magickd is a multimedia company that was estaRead More...


द लौंगेस्ट वीक

Books by अनिवेश सोनी

विवरण: अनिवेश सोनी द्वारा लिखित "द लॉन्गेस्ट वीक" में आत्म-खोज की एक मनोरम यात्रा शुरू करें। यह विचारोत्तेजक उपन्यास आपको एक युवा आरव कश्यप से मिलवाता है, जिसका जीवन अपने 18वें जन्

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The Longest Week

Books by Anivesh Soni

"The Longest Week"

Description: Embark on a captivating journey of self-discovery in "The Longest Week" by Anivesh Soni. This thought-provoking novel introduces you to Aarav Kashyap, a young man whose life takes an unexpected turn as he nears his 18th birthday.

Aarav's past is marked by tragedy and hardship, but he's determined to find his true self. With the support of his friends, Sam and Sarah, he faces the challenges that life throws at him

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