
I read and write books
I read and write books

Hello, I am Bareera. I'm a fan of adventures, cats, legos, mysteries, travelling, and most of all, eating! My brother also is a very good cook, My favourite author who inspired me to write is "Thea Stilton" you should definetly read her awsome best selling books. Also I'm terribly afraid of spiders. (dont read my first book tho i dont wanna talk about it)Read More...


"The Adventures of Falcon Blaze: School and Secrets"

Books by Bareera Khan

top words dunot buy this itz a FAIL so plz ignore the rest of the words pls qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnmpoiuytrewqasdfghjklmnbvcxzqazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolpwqsaxzerfdc FAIL vythgnbuikjmoplqwerafds FAIL FAIL zcvxtiuygjk hmnpoljebfwvy fcukebrtubinxiw nheikgzfiubszxufwyeGSZJukewEKIW HKUgsfuykegwuwgfzkbvzuikwuheiu hifbskzkdbfsj,kzbfjs,e fuaesbfjakwwfbjsz,efuz,j bzj,aeuf,bdjzsbvf,ujetrtayrgaee veecbu FAIL kfurkfyukazha FAILYPOOS FAAAAAIIIIIIILLLL DUNOT READ OR BUY

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